Page 167 of Clashing with the CEO

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I crossed my arms, tension winding through my muscles. After everything we had been through, he was still keeping me at a distance. “You could have mentioned you were bringing Petra back.”

Neil arched an eyebrow. “I wasn’t aware I needed to clear every business decision past my secretary.”


He might’ve been my superior at work, but I thought we were a team now we were dating. Dating? Whatever our arrangement was supposed to be.

Neil’s demeanour relaxed slightly. “It was a spur-of-the-moment decision. I didn’t think it would bother you.”

I knew I was being petty, questioning his executive decisions. But I couldn’t shake the niggling sense he was keeping something from me about Petra’s role. I shuffled on my feet. “I guess I just don’t see why you think I need help. I’m perfectly capable of holding down the fort solo for a few days.”

“I know you are.” Neil rounded his desk with slow strides until he stood before me. His dark floral cologne flooded my senses, reminding me of time spent wrapped in his arms. “But there’s another reason I thought it prudent to have Petra here.” He inclined his head closer, dropping his voice. “I considered what you said before. If others grow suspicious of the time we spend alone, it will invite more speculation and accusations. I thought bringing in a third party could help dispel some of the rumours. Think of her as a buffer for propriety’s sake.”

“A buffer?” I exhaled a long breath as his meaning crystallised. He intended Petra as some kind of chaperone figure. Not ideal, but compared to the alternative he originally had in mind, I had no complaints. “Well, okay. When you put it like that, I guess I don’t mind having her around. It will be nice to have some company.”

Neil stepped back, clearing his throat and adjusting his cufflinks. He returned to his chair.

I noticed the untouched cup of coffee on his desk. “Petra’s coffee not up to your standards?”

Neil regarded the mug with a flicker of distaste. “Hmm, yes.” He met my gaze. “I suppose you’ll have to show her how to make it.”

“I will.”

Petra perked up as I emerged from Neil’s office. Her wide eyes tracked me all the way to my desk. I gestured her over with a sweep of my arm. “Come sit next to me, and I’ll show you the ropes for the day-to-day.”

She rolled her chair over to me, then sat hands folded in her lap like an attentive student as I walked her through my typical routines

At half past ten, Neil came out, straightening his already perfect tie. “Are you ready?”

I had almost forgotten about the meeting with Polonia Electronics. No matter. I closed out of what I was doing and readied myself.

Petra popped up from her chair, clutching her notebook to her chest. “Oh, should I come along?”

I blinked at her. Surely she didn’t expect Neil to ferry her along to corporate meetings?

“Yes, you may join us,” Neil said.

I shook off my surprise and swallowed back the bitter tang of accommodating a third wheel. Like Neil said, having Petra in tow would bolster the guise of normalcy.

We went down to the lobby and exited through the double doors. Parked at the curb, Winston straightened from buffing a smear off the gleaming vehicle and trotted around to open Neil’s door. His liver-spotted face creased into its usual genial smile beneath his cap. “Morning, Mr. Kingston, Miss Cross.” His gaze shifted to Petra hovering behind me. “Oh, hello there.”

“This is Petra Browne,” I said.

“A pleasure, Ms. Browne.” Winston swept off his hat. “Winston Ramsey, at your service.”

“Nice to meet you,” Petra said.

Neil seated himself in the backseat of the car. As I meandered towards the opposite door, Petra slipped past and got to it first, securing the spot next to Neil.

Recoiling, I stalled for a second, then yanked open the front passenger door and plopped myself down, smoothing my skirt over my thighs.

Winston clambered behind the wheel, catching my eyes with a knowing look. I crossed my arms, biting the inside of my cheek. Neil seemed unfazed by the seating switch-up, engrossed in something on his phone screen.

Is this going to be how things are from now on?

Chapter Fifty-Seven

Itapped my knuckles against Neil’s open door before entering. Petra was out running an errand, and this was my last opportunity to spend a moment alone with him before he departed on his trip to Singapore.

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