Page 164 of Clashing with the CEO

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Does she know something? Or was that just her usual gossipy self?

Neil had already returned to his desk by the time I got there. He was fixated on his computer screen when I barged through his door without knocking. He glanced up, one eyebrow raised. “Everything okay?”

“No, it bloody well isn’t!” I hissed.

His eyes widened. “What’s the matter?”

“Have you looked in a mirror lately?”


I pointed to my neck. “You have a…”

Neil’s hand flew up to the spot I was gesturing to. His eyes went wide again. “I didn’t think it was visible.”

“Well, think again. And people have definitely noticed. I just got confronted by Kate. She knew exactly what it was. I had to say it was a bug bite, but I don’t think she bought it.”

Neil’s throat bobbed. For once, the man who always had it together looked a tad bewildered. He tightened the knot of his tie, pulling his collar up higher. “Better?”

“A little.” I leaned in and whispered, “Sorry. It won’t happen again.”

Neil gripped the edge of his desk, his voice dropping. “Pity. Because I wouldn’t mind if it did. Just make sure you aim lower next time.”

I pursed my lips, mustering my composure.

Neil sat back, loosening his grip on the desk. “I want that report proofed by the end of the day, Amelia.”

“Yes. I’ll get right on it.”

My legs felt like jelly as I backed away. Once settled in my chair, I dropped my forehead into my hands and exhaled a shaky sigh. That was a close call back there. We couldn’t afford to let our guards down. Not with so much at stake if anyone discovered us.

Ten minutes into my workload, the shrill ring of my desk phone broke out. I grabbed the receiver. “Hello, Neil Kingston’s office, Amelia Cross speaking.”

“Hi, Amelia, it’s Clara from Human Resources.”

My shoulders bunched at the HR manager’s clipped tone. “Clara, hi,” I forced myself to chirp. “What can I do for you?”

“Could you please pop over to my office when you get a moment? I’d like to have a chat with you.”

My mouth went dry. What’s this about? “Of course. I’m a bit busy right now, though. Later this morning?”

“How about eleven o’clock?”

“Okay. Eleven. That works. See you then.”

“Thank you, Amelia. Bye.”


I slammed the phone down. Could this have to do with me and Neil? Not the hickey, surely? Maybe it was just about paperwork, but that would be a strange coincidence, given the timing.

I marched straight back into Neil’s office and told him about Clara’s request to see me. “Do you know what it’s about?” I asked.

“No.” He rubbed his chin, frowning. “Why don’t you listen to what she has to say? See what she wants before you worry.”

His relative calmness helped soothe my frazzled nerves. “You’re right. I shouldn’t overthink this.”

Clara Evans sat ramrod straight behind her spotless glass desk. Two ceramic pen holders shaped like cats guarded the corners by her monitor. Their sightless blue gazes seemed to track my every jerky movement. I wiped my clammy palms on my thighs.

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