Page 132 of Clashing with the CEO

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At last, he approached me. “I think I’ve solved the problem, But I’ve discovered a separate issue with the shower that needs fixing. It shouldn’t take too long.”

It turned out that his version of not taking too long was far longer than my version. By the time he finally left, it was past six o’clock in the evening, and my determination for the underwear recovery mission was waning. What if Neil came home earlier than usual and caught me in the act? I’d be mortified beyond words. But what were the alternatives? Text him and tell him what happened? Wait for him to come home and confront him in person? Every option I could think of would cause more embarrassment than I could handle. No. I had to go through with it. The idea of Neil knowing anything about the underwear incident was too mortifying not to.

Having made up my mind, I crept from my apartment to Neil’s. I rang the doorbell to ensure he wasn’t home, rehearsing a story in my head in case he was. I buzzed once more, waited, then entered the code to unlock the door. An error sound played. My hands were shaking so much, I must have typed it in wrong. I tried it again, the door clicked open, I pushed it open a crack?—

“Amelia, what are you doing?”

My soul just about left my body.

That was Neil’s voice. In my anxious state, I hadn’t heard the lift open or his footsteps approach me. Nothing left to do except face up to him. I turned around. Neil looked down his nose at me, his dark eyes gleaming. The world seemed to narrow around us.

“Sorry,” I stammered, unable to look at him.

I braced myself for anger and disappointment, but instead, he seemed a mite amused, his lips twitching to form a smile but resisting. “Please explain yourself.”

“You know how I had to use your shower this morning? Well, I accidentally left something here. Sorry. I should have let you know instead of just sneaking in to get it, but I thought I’d be in and out in two seconds, and I was too embarrassed to say anything.”

Neil seemed unfazed. “Wait right here. What did you leave? I can go in and get it for you.”

I bit my lip. “I’d rather get it myself, if that’s okay. It’s, uh, something personal.” I flinched at my own words, wondering if I had said too much.

No more questions. Please.

Neil relinquished with a sigh. “All right.” He pushed open his door and stood aside to let me in.

I slipped inside and bolted to the bathroom. There they were. My white undies, lying right in the middle of the white-tiled floor. I grabbed them and scanned the bathroom to see if there was anything else I had left there, the details of the room coming into sharp focus, and the sensation of being in Neil’s personal space reigniting. All clear. I was just about to leave when it occurred to me that I had nowhere to conceal the underwear. I couldn’t just walk out with them scrunched up in my hand, could I? Neil would notice. Perish the thought. I patted my body, searching for a pocket, but I had none.

Damn, women’s clothing and their lack of pockets!

Not wanting to linger another second, all I could think to do was to stuff them in my bra. So that’s what I did, the folded up cotton fabric nestling against my breasts. It wasn’t too noticeable unless you really scrutinised my chest, and I didn’t think Neil was going to scrutinise my chest anytime soon, even if I wanted him to.

I emerged, flustered, yet relieved to be done with the ordeal.

Neil stood behind the kitchen island, pouring himself a glass of water. “Did you find what you left?” he asked.

“Yes. Thank you. I’m sorry for trying to sneak in.”

“Forget about it. I know you didn’t mean any harm. Did the plumber sort out the water issue?”

“Yes. All fixed.”

“Good. Apart from that, how are you settling in?”

“I’m fully unpacked now, and I went grocery shopping yesterday. It’s so nice. I don’t think I’ll ever want to leave.”

“If there are any more problems, let me know.”

“I will. Thank you. Well, I’ll be going then. Good night.” I started towards the door, feeling a stab of desperation to extricate myself.

“Milly,” Neil said, stopping me. He was back to using my nickname again. “About Friday. I’ve let the animal shelter know we’re both coming. Wear suitable clothing and meet me in the carpark on Friday morning, okay?”

“Okay. I will. Good night.”

“Good night.”

With that, I extracted myself to safety, hoping he hadn’t noticed how flustered I was.

Chapter Forty-Seven

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