Page 127 of Clashing with the CEO

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I nodded.

“Have a good flight,” he said.

With that, he swept away and disappeared into the crowd. I fixated on the space he had occupied moments before. There was still so much I didn’t understand.

My mind was more turbulent than the flight itself, wondering how Neil was faring with his secretive business. What dangers lurked in the shadows? Trapped in a metal tube in the sky, there was nothing I could do to help him except hope he would return unscathed.

As I emerged through the arrivals gate at Auckland Airport, the sight of Winston standing there filled me with relief. I found comfort in his familiar face and the knowledge I could depend on him. His bushy eyebrows and bristly moustache couldn’t hide the warmth of his smile when he laid eyes on me.

A reciprocal grin spread across my face as I approached him, rolling my suitcase behind me. “Winston, you’re here!”

He chuckled. “Of course I am. Couldn’t leave you to fend for yourself, could I? Welcome back, Miss Cross. How was your flight?”

“It was fine. I’m sorry you had to come all the way here and pick me up in the middle of the night.”

Winston waved off my concerns. “No problem at all. Nothing a strong cup of coffee couldn’t help. What matters is getting you home safe and sound.” He scanned the surroundings. “Where’s Mr. Kingston?”

His lack of awareness about Neil’s plan surprised me, even though it made sense that Neil wouldn’t wish to involve him.

“He had some business to attend to. He’s coming in on the next flight.”

“Ah.” Winston shook his head. “That man is always up to something. I should be used to it by now.” He reached for my suitcase. “Let me take your bag for you.”

We made our way out of the airport and into the parking lot. Winston stowed my luggage in the car boot, and I settled into the front passenger seat, just as I had done the first time Winston drove me home all those months ago. Memories of that eventful day resurfaced. The presentation, getting fired, going to the hospital… I had been so furious and upset with Neil, but as Winston drove me back that night, he tried to assure me of Neil’s underlying kindness. At the time, I didn’t believe him. Now I knew exactly what he meant. I remembered something else as well. Winston had mentioned Neil helping him out when he was in a bad situation. I never got around to asking him what happened, but now seemed like a good opportunity. “Winston, can I ask you something?”

“Of course.” He cast a glance in my direction as he drove out of the airport grounds.

“One time, you mentioned how Neil helped you by offering you your job when you were struggling.”

A glimmer danced in Winston’s brown eyes as he reflected on the past. “Ah, that story. Did you want to hear it?”

“Yes, if you’re okay with telling me.”

“I don’t see why not.” His voice wavered as he began. “It was over a year ago now. My wife and I were dealing with money struggles and looking after our grandchildren newly in our care. Things were tough. One day I went to the supermarket, and at the checkout, I realised I didn’t have enough money to pay for the groceries. I was deciding what to put back when a kind-hearted man stepped in and offered to pay.”


Winston nodded. “I have my pride, so I refused. But he insisted. What could I do? Afterwards, we had a chat outside. He gave me his business card and made me promise to call him. So I worked up the courage to make the call. Mr. Kingston asked about my skills and said he would help me get a job. I was so shocked, I couldn’t think what to say. I never went to university, never worked in an office before… He asked if I could drive. I said yes. He offered me a trial run as his driver, right then and there.”

“And it worked out.”

“He pays me so well that my wife doesn’t have to work, and she can stay home full-time with our grandchildren.”

“That’s wonderful!”

“I turned my life around, and it was all thanks to him.”

As the road droned on, Winston’s story cemented what I already knew—Neil was pure-hearted, and nothing could taint that for me. Nothing.

Chapter Forty-Four

Upon Neil’s return, he wouldn’t discuss anything which had occurred during his last hours in Singapore, leaving the events shrouded in mystery. I was too relieved to have him back safe and sound to push for answers.

Over the next few days, we had several big meetings with senior staff, then we settled back into the rhythm of our familiar routines. I brought Neil his coffee on Friday morning, knocking on the half-open door of his office, then stepping inside. Sunlight filtered through the blinds, casting patterns on the floor. Neil sat behind his desk, engrossed in his work, an air of quiet contemplation surrounding him. Not wanting to disturb his focus, I silently placed the cup on his desk between stacks of papers.

He looked up and acknowledged my presence with a nod. “Thank you.”

“Let me know if you need help with anything.”

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