Page 120 of Clashing with the CEO

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In an instant, he flung his arms around me and drew me to his chest.

Chapter Forty-One

Iblinked in surprise as Neil wrapped me in a tight embrace. Before I could return the hug, or even fully register the sensation of his sudden display of affection, he released me, averting his eyes and clearing his throat. “Sorry. I was worried about you. What happened? What did he do to you?” His eyes searched mine, pleading for answers.

I attempted to gather my scattered thoughts, my eyes scanning the stacks of boxes and shelves that cast elongated shadows in the dimly lit space. “He questioned me about our relationship. He accused us of, uh, sleeping together.”

Neil seemed unfazed. “He’s projecting. Is that all he said?”

I shook my head. “No. He wanted to pay me to gather intel on you, specifically about your personal relationships.”

“Did you refuse?”

“Of course. But I let him down as gently as I could manage. I told him I couldn’t help him because I don’t know much about your private life.”

“How did he take it?”

“Well, he wasn’t exactly pleased. He tried to warn me that you don’t have my best interests at heart—But don’t worry, I’d rather believe you than him.”

Neil let out a trembling sigh, fingertips pressed to his forehead.

“Did I do something wrong?” I asked.

“No. You did nothing wrong. Nothing wrong at all. I did wrong by believing the meeting I was summoned to was something serious. I should have known better.”

“Then the whole situation was a setup?”


Silence descended between us while I tried to get my facts straight, wondering if I could have done something differently. “Do you think I should have agreed to Daniel’s offer?” I asked as the thought occurred to me. “Maybe I could have been a double agent to help you.”

Neil’s response was swift, his voice filled with conviction. “I would never agree to something so dangerous. No. You handled it well. I’m proud of you.”

His words heartened me. “I didn’t know what to do or say, but I did my best. Hopefully, it was enough to get him to leave me alone.”

Neil’s jaw tightened, his expression serious. “He’ll leave you alone. I’ll make sure of it.”

The energy radiating from him charged the atmosphere. I struggled to look at him because it was so intense. Just how far was he willing to go to protect me?

“What should we do now?” I asked, a tremor in my voice.

“First things first. I’m going to escort you back to the hotel.”

“What about the rest of the day’s schedule?”

“I’ll handle everything on my own from here on out. You’ve been a great help to me, but you’ve taken on enough for one day.”

“Okay. That’s probably for the best. Oh—my room key and laptop are locked in the office?—”

“I’ll sort it out. We should go.”

Both of us reached for the door handle, our hands touching. Startled by the sensation, I looked up to find Neil’s eyes locked onto mine. My breath hitched. I searched his stare, trying to read what he was thinking, but the moment passed as quickly as it occurred. Our connection severed, Neil stood back, allowing me to open the door.

Back at the hotel, my heart rate still hadn’t quite settled from the encounter with Daniel. We paused outside my hotel room door, the air filled with awkward tension. Neil gave me a look as if trying to decipher the whirlwind of emotions I was sure must be written across my face. “Are you all right?” he asked.

I mustered a smile. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little rattled, I guess.” A beat of silence hung between us, then I added, “And maybe a bit disappointed. It’s our last night in Singapore, and I haven’t had the chance to do anything except work.”

“That was to be expected.”

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