Page 115 of Clashing with the CEO

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She smiled, patting her stomach. “Yes. But that’s not public knowledge. Nor is my pregnancy. I’m very private about all that.”

“I understand. It must be tough for a woman in your position.”

She nodded. “I keep business and my personal life separate, and that’s the way I intend to keep it.”

She finished her last sip of water. I retrieved the empty glass from her. “Are you feeling better now?”

“Yes. I don’t know what that pain was, but it’s gone now. Thank you so much for allowing me into your room.”

“You’re welcome. Sorry you didn’t get to see Neil.”

“I should have known he would be busy. Never mind.”

“You could come back later, but I’m not sure if he’ll be up to much when he gets back. He was very sick this morning.”

“Oh dear. Promise you’ll look after him for me.”

Her playful remark renewed the sting of embarrassment on my cheeks. “I will.”

Veronica struggled to get out of the seat. I came to her aid, lending her my arm.

“Thank you,” she said.

I showed her the way to the door.

“Goodbye, Amelia. I’m glad I got to meet you.”

“Me too.”

She offered one last angelic smile as we parted. I found it hard to believe she was related to a snake like Daniel Ling.

Our meeting had been so engaging that I had forgotten all about my food order until the next knock on the door. This time, I didn’t neglect to check the peephole.

With Neil’s folded shirt in my hands, I mustered the courage to walk to his hotel room. The shirt was a pretext. My true intention was to check in on him and see how he was doing now he had returned.

Standing outside Neil’s door, I hesitated for a moment, wondering if it was okay for me to drop by unannounced like this. My brain taunted me with memories of sharing a bed with him, whipping up a frenzy of butterflies in my stomach and giving me second thoughts. With a deep breath, I dismissed my doubts and readied my fist to knock, but before my knuckles reached the door, it swung open to reveal Neil standing before me, looking half surprised, half amused. “Amelia, what are you doing here?”

He was still dressed in business attire, but without the jacket, and with his collar undone and his sleeves rolled up. I was so captivated by his presence that I forgot to answer his question.

“Is that my shirt?”

I snapped to my senses and held the shirt out to him. “Yes. You left it in my room.”

“Ah. Thank you.” He took it from me, his fingers brushing against mine, making my skin prickle.

I gathered myself, focusing on the purpose of my visit. “How are you feeling?”

“Yes, much better, though I think an early night is in order.”

“I’m sure that’s for the best. Were you about to go somewhere?”

“Just to grab something to eat.” Neil scrutinised me, his arms folded. “Is there something you want to discuss?”

His prompt reminded me of the other reason I came. I had to tell him about Veronica. “Yes. There is. It’s about—” I stopped myself. I looked up and down the corridor, making sure we were alone. “I had a visitor this afternoon. Did you know?”

Neil jolted in response, then his demeanour turned serious. “Let’s talk inside.”

His room was just like mine but with a slightly different layout, and he was less tidy with his belongings than I was, his work spread out on his desk, and his suitcase lying open on his bed. He closed the door, put the shirt aside, and without inviting me to sit down, he got straight to the point. “Who came to your room? Don’t tell me Daniel sent someone after you.”

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