Page 107 of Clashing with the CEO

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“Would you? I’m so sorry.” He averted his gaze again, looking everywhere around the room except directly at me.

I went digging through my clothes to find a pair of leggings and a t-shirt to cover up in. Meanwhile, Neil wilted into a sitting position on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.

I dressed in the bathroom, then grabbed both our key cards. “I’ll be back in a minute,” I said on my way out the door.

Neil grunted in response.

I wove through the quiet, empty halls, then took the lift down to reception. A lone woman with jet-black hair and a bored expression manned the desk. She didn’t notice me arrive because she was too busy looking down at her phone.

“Um, excuse me.”

She glanced up at me with a raised eyebrow. “How can I help you?”

“My, uh… my friend just checked in before. There’s been a mistake. We’ve got two key cards for the same room, but we’re supposed to have separate rooms. The booking’s under my name, Amelia Cross.”

“What’s your room number?”

“Four one nine.”

She typed on the computer. “I see what the problem is.”


“You’re booked into the same room.”

“I know that. Can we get separate rooms, please? We can’t sleep in the same room.”

“Sorry, but we’re fully booked.”

Her words slapped me further awake. Fully booked? This didn’t bode well. “Can you double-check that? Is there not a single room left? Any room?”

Half-sighing, she typed away on the computer. Clack-clack-clack. “There are no rooms left. I can check with one of our sister hotels nearby…”

“I’m not sure. What about tomorrow? Are there any rooms available for tomorrow night?”

“Yes, there are.”

That solved part of the problem, but wouldn’t help with tonight’s situation.

“Hmm. I better update my friend on the situation.”

My gut feeling told me that neither of us was in a state to pack up and go to another hotel, but I had to inform Neil, regardless. Maybe he’d have another idea.

I ran through our options in my head on my way back to the room, but when I opened the door and saw Neil, everything changed.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Itook in the scene before me. Neil was sprawled on the bed, eyes closed, his back rising and falling with his breath.

I studied his sleeping form with a mixture of appreciation and uncertainty. He looked far too peaceful to wake—but he was on my bed, taking up all the space, leaving me with nowhere to sleep. He had all his clothes on still—even his shoes. His arms and legs were splayed, his head tilted to the side, a placid look on his face…

Ugh. This was going to be unpleasant for him, but what else could I do? I reached out, braced myself for impact, then gripped him by the shoulder and gave a tentative shake. “Neil?”

He snored softly.

I repeated his name, louder this time.

No response.

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