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Chapter One

The moment I’d been dreading all night had arrived.

Leon and I stood outside my building, the air thick with tension. He tilted his head, blond hair falling artfully across his face, and arched an eyebrow.

My heart raced. I couldn’t mess this up—I’d been burned too many times by guys who just wanted a casual hook-up. Our date went well, and Leon seemed different, but I needed to set the tone from the start.

Leon folded his arms. “Well?”

I forced myself to look past his ridiculously handsome features—the mesmerising blue eyes, the sharp cheekbones, the lips just begging to be kissed. Keeping a level head was crucial. “Thank you for walking me home. I had a nice evening.”

“Me too.” Leon stepped closer. “I was hoping we could... keep it going?”

Subtlety wasn’t his strong suit, apparently. Still, my knees went a little wobbly at the suggestion. I let out a nervous laugh, hoping it didn’t sound as unhinged as I suspected it did. “I like you, Leon. But I want to take things slow, so let’s call it a night.”

For a torturous moment, I braced myself for the wounded-ego routine—the pout, the outburst, or some other childish display. But to Leon’s credit, he just sighed and raked a hand through his hair. “You sure?”

“Yes.” I aimed for an apologetic, yet resolute tone.

Leon tensed for a second, but then he shrugged, regaining his composure. “All right then. Bye, Milly. See you around, I guess.”

“I’ll text you.” I cringed inwardly, hating how it came out more like a question than a statement.


With that, he turned and sauntered away, hands shoved in the tight pockets of his black skinny jeans. I watched him go, letting out a giddy exhale. Despite his obvious disappointment, he seemed to take the rejection well. Or maybe he was just trying to play it cool?

No. I refused to second-guess myself. I did the smart, practical thing by turning him down. No more wasting time on the wrong guys.

I entered my apartment building feeling satisfied this would pan out just as I intended. Leon would get over the slight blow to his ego, and a second date would be on the horizon.

I boggled at the notification on my phone the next morning. A message from Leon so soon? I unlocked the screen, biting my lip to stop myself from grinning like a lunatic in front of all the other train passengers on their morning commute.

You were so fuckin sexy last night. Sorry had to leave early. Let’s do it again sometime?

I blinked. What?

Something was off about the message. It didn’t quite align with what happened on our date. In fact, it sounded like he was talking about a different experience. A weight sank to the pit of my stomach as I reread the message, but before I could process it further, it disappeared. Leon had deleted it.

The truth hit me like a bucket of ice water. The message wasn’t meant for me. Leon must have seen someone else last night. No wonder he was so calm about the rejection. He had a backup plan all along.

That jerk!

He never cared about me. He was just like all the other dud guys I’d ever had the displeasure of dating.


The train doors jolted open at Britomart Station, passengers spilling out onto the platform. I hurried along with the throng.

How could I have been so blind? Looking back, the signs had been there all along. He had only talked about himself, he was whiny when I wouldn’t order a second drink, and he couldn’t walk me home without asking to come in.

I quickened my pace, weaving through the other pedestrians on my way to work.

The Luxmore Appliances head office was a twenty-floor tower on the corner of Hobson Street and Customs Street. I barged through the double doors into the lobby, then marched straight to the lifts. I stood with my arms crossed, foot tapping an agitated rhythm while I waited.

I can do much better than him anyway. I’m an intelligent, attractive young woman. I have my own apartment and a decent job. Any straight, single man would find me desirable. I bet the next available man I see wouldn’t turn me down if I gave him a chance.

Right on cue, the lift door opened. Its occupant: one man.

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