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Oh, yes. This round would definitely go to her.


Landon had escaped Kimber’s room before sunrise, showered, dressed, and reconvened in the kitchen. Lyon was in the living room, watching cartoons upside down, his head on the ground, feet propped on the couch.

“Good morning.” Evan grinned. A shit-eating one. He abandoned the newspaper spread across the breakfast bar and studied Landon through narrowed eyes.

“How was your room?” Landon fired up the espresso maker and pulled a petite mug from the cabinet. Then traded it out for a larger size. Better make it a double. He was exhausted. In the best way humanly possible.

Flashes of what happened with Kimber lit his brain like a flickering movie reel. Her hot mouth wrapped around him, her caressing hands on his skin, her soft mewls of pleasure when he’d finally entered her. The way she’d laid against him after they’d made love: her hair sticking to her damp brow, how she’d been nearly incoherent as she praised his hard work. They’d finally stopped because they had to, collapsing in a heap of sweaty limbs and labored breathing. They’d managed a few hours of sleep before sunrise.

But he wasn’t done with her. Not by a long shot. He planned on extending the list to ensure they didn’t reach the end too soon.

“How was yours?” Evan hopped off the stool and rummaged through the refrigerator.

Landon shook his head, watching the espresso maker empty the black brew into his mug. He refused to grace his nosy brother with an answer.

“Oh man.” Evan leaned against the counter and took a bite out of an apple. He chewed, pointing with the hand that held the Red Delicious. “Her room. Nicely played.”

Yes, they’d played. They’d laughed and moaned one another’s names and panted and played. It was cathartic and amazing, and not something he’d been used to. Over the years, sex had yielded a much-needed release, but he didn’t remember it being particularly fun. Then again, he hadn’t had sex in… a while. If he admitted how long, Evan would laugh him right off the balcony.

“When you taking off?” He collected his cup out from under the maker and spooned in a few granules of raw brown sugar.

“Okay, fine. I guess this isn’t the time or the place to talk about your sexcapades.” Evan took another bite out of his apple.

Landon sipped his coffee. Strong and sweet. Like Kimber. “Do you really expect me to talk about her with you? Lyon’s in the other room and she is—”

Amazing. Honest and pure. Transparent.

Her words from last night crashed into him. I need to be cherished. How could he not grant that request? Her feminine tenderness was a call his masculine strength had to answer. He couldn’t begin to describe the way she’d been so… there with him in that room last night. Present.

In the past, he’d wondered if Lissa had been reciting her to-do list or mentally packing for her next trip for how little she’d been involved in the act. But Kimber… her eyes on his, their breathing in sync as he slid in and out of her body… she’d been fantastically different from what he’d grown accustomed to in the past.

Or what you settled for. There was an alarming idea.

His lips turned downward. He had to get a grip. She’d laid out the rules, and he’d promised to adhere to them. They knew what this was. He couldn’t start thinking about how amazing she was, couldn’t fold her close when she was supposed to keep him at arm’s length. Enjoying himself was one thing, starting to think of her as anything else was forbidden. He didn’t remember his emotions being a problem he’d had to contend with before now.

Except with Rachel. He scrunched his eyes to block that thought. Any thoughts of her, of the tragic summer sixteen years ago. Don’t freaking go there.

Evan finished chewing and chucked the apple core into the trash can across the room.

“Good shot,” Landon commented.

“So. You going to keep seeing her?” Evan asked.

Only as long as they had the list. Not like he would tell Evan about that, though. His brother would either accuse him of taking advantage of her, or accuse him of being a machine.

He took another drink of his coffee to buy himself time. Another thought hit him and he pulled the mug away and mumbled a curse. “I have to pay her,” he said.

“Yes, you do. Cheapskate.”

He sent his brother a bland look. “That’s not what I mean.”

“I know what you mean. Money exchanging hands is awkward at this point.” Evan clucked his tongue. “Couldn’t have waited one more day?”

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