Page 68 of Royally Yours

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Always present, camera crews waited, blinking red lights indicating that filming had already started. Nothing was private. I needed to be careful. Even with the crews sunk six inches in the snow, they would do anything to get a shot that could be twisted to make the show a breakout hit. I needed to be sure I didn’t give them anything they could use.

Corbin Snyder stood higher than the others, and it only took me a moment to see snowshoes strapped to his boots, a surety that he wouldn’t sink like the rest of the crew. Tell me you think you’re superior, without telling me you’re superior, am I right?

“Ladies,” his booming voice and bright-white smile called us closer, “what a beautiful morning here in the Nolcovian Gorge! Are you ready to prove your heart to your prince?”

Of course, we were. Why else would we all be out here sinking in frigid drifts of snow other than to prove to him that we were looking to win his heart?

I stopped for a moment, thrown by my own thoughts. Well, not me. Just the rest of them. I shivered and rubbed my arms, blaming the lapse on the cold temperatures. Obviously, my logic center had frozen solid.

“Ladies,” Fitz’s deep voice stole my full attention, “you all grew up hearing the legend of Thessalview Gorge and the battle that was waged here. King Fitzborough fought valiantly, overthrowing the city of Aynor in the name of Nolcovia with the help of his army.” Fitz grinned, and a few others giggled at his word choice. “He was able to topple the walls and end the tyranny of Sagure, the destroyer of life.” In one dramatic sweep of his arm, Fitz pointed to the distance. I followed the direction, curious. Grey stone coated in the latest snowfall created a gorgeous contrast. Remnants of the ancient wall stood high in some places, but had been destroyed in others, like remains of another place and time, reaching toward us across the centuries.

“Now,” Fitz eased the sober atmosphere with the faintest grin, “I’m not requesting anyone to play the enemy, but we will break into two teams. You’ll each hide a flag somewhere in Winderlam Forest, one team to the north and the other to the south. First to bring their opponent’s flag here will be the victor.”

My nerves eased. Apparently, it wasn’t like Capture the Flag. It was Capture the Flag.

“Of course, we need snoods. One from each team.”

What was a snood? I’d only heard that word once before, when I’d angered Dagny before the obstacle course and she put curses on my cows and wished the snoods to steal my shoes.

Of course, Dagny’s hand went up first as a volunteer. I felt the need to tighten my laces. Eirene volunteered within moments. I wasn’t sure about the pairing. But unlike me, Fitz smiled like he couldn’t have planned it better himself. Maybe he had.

“Smashing. Let’s crack on.”

“Your Highness,” Esme raised her hand, bending to look down the line of us, “we’re uneven. Perhaps a third snood or…” her haughty smile curved into place, “the American can sit out since she’s not familiar with Nolcovian lore.”

Before I had a chance to accept, because, quite honestly, I was incredibly grateful for her need to leave me out, Fitz frowned.

“We’re not uneven, Esme.”

The raven-haired beauty took a step forward and started counting, determined to prove the prince wrong. I had to admit, last I checked, there was nine of us. But it was Blair who said, “We’re nine in number, Your Highness.”

Fitz crossed his arms over his chest, making his chest thicker and my skin went tingly all over again. “That would be true, except, I will be one of the team captains as well. Now, there are ten by my count.” He waited for the chatter to subside before he turned to Sadie. “Lady Sadira, you’ll play the other captain, yes?”

Sadie’s eyes went wide with worry, but she didn’t object. Maybe that was enough for him.

Chantal’s hand shot up and I braced myself for her complaint that Sadie wasn’t worthy. But the noblewoman had other concerns. “Your Highness,” she shot a quick glance at Esme who nodded eagerly, “before we begin, some were wondering if the traditional reward stands.”

Fitz cleared his throat, shifted his stance, and rubbed the back of his neck with his palm, nearly knocking the beanie off his head in the process. “You want to know if the prize for the winner is a kiss?” Chantal nodded eagerly, heat in her eyes that made me look at my shoes for a second. When I looked back up, he couldn’t hide the naughty schoolboy grin on his face. “I’ve never been one to shirk tradition. It stands.” As if he knew Esme’s pending question before she got her hand up, he added, “For the one who finds the flag first.”

I gulped. At least for a minute, I had my own team on my side. But with the prize being that coveted, even my own team would be out to get me.

Which was stupid.

Kissing Fitz was the last thing I wanted.

“Lady Sadira, you may choose first.” Fitz motioned for her to start. I didn’t see the point in the playground picking structure. I knew how the teams would fall. Sadie would pick her friends, obviously starting with Blair and then—

“Lady Esme.”

My face betrayed the shock I felt and somehow I knew they’d caught it on camera. Big ol’ zoom-in moment for the American with attitude. But excuse me, since when were they friends?

Fitz nodded thoughtfully and I prepared to walk forward. Obviously, this was the one time he could pick me first.


Okay, this was getting nuts. I couldn’t predict anything. Sadie didn’t even frown. Was there a strategy to this game that I didn’t—

“Lady Michaela,” Sadie’s voice jarred me. I stared, unmoving. At least, for once, my expression matched the rest of them. Nobody believed she’d pick me, especially not Fitz. He struggled to hide his frustration. Maybe he figured I’d be left until the end, but Sadie had screwed it all up.

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