Page 63 of Royally Yours

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My hand hooked around her elbow with enough pressure for her to stop. “What makes you think that?”

Blair’s smile spread, but weight anchored the edges, making it look forced. “Your Highness, we come from nothing. We can live this fantasy, but that’s all it is. A week or two of seeing how the rest live and then it’s back to reality.” She started walking again, but her words stunned me too much to follow.

“I made you a lady, didn’t I?” The spikes in my tone didn’t belong, but I’d taken a huge risk in doing it and I thought she would welcome my sacrifice.

“I have the title, yes, but what does it mean, Your Highness? You say that I am to have all the rights of a noblewoman, but how far does that extend? Am I the only noble in my family, or are they elevated by relation? My father is your driver. Shall you call him milord and ask him to fetch the car?” Her face pinned with stress. “I’ve said too much. You need not worry about my concerns.”

“Never once have I known you to hold your tongue, Blair, and I wouldn’t want you to start now.” I increased my pace and intercepted her. “When I made you a lady of court, I meant it. Each of you will receive a house. You’ll be given property that is yours. Just as I would for a man being made a lord. If it’s work you want, I’ll make it happen. If it’s leisure you’re seeking, then you’ll have it.”

“And if it’s equality, Your Highness? What then?” Her eyes met mine, ferocious and fiery with her unanswered questions. “Because I don’t want to elevate myself above others and look down. I know that pain and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone else. To be on the outside, looking in, living in a glass bowl where you can see everything, and yet never be a part.” Emotion glossed her eyes. “That’s a torture I wouldn’t wish on even my enemy.”

The voice in the back of my head screamed that I needed to remember the cameras, but the truth was, I didn’t care. Blair had borne her soul to me, and I couldn’t sweep it away to make it all pleasant again. If I was meant to rule, then I needed to understand.

“Tell me what you want. Explain what you think I should do.”

Her lips parted in surprise. Those were not the words of a king, asking the chauffeur’s daughter for advice on matter of policy. But maybe they needed to be.

“I want what most people want.”


Her faint smile said I was an idiot before she ever spoke the words. “No, because when you’re handed wealth, it means nothing.” She inhaled slowly, ran her tongue over her lips and tried again. “We want an even playing field. We want a chance to build lives like the nobles have without being held down by circumstance. Just like the competition was, this game against us is rigged.”

I struggled to understand, my perspective limited. “You think we should dissolve the monarchy?”

She glanced over her shoulder, perhaps checking for the cameras. “No, actually I don’t. But there was a time in our history where the monarchy cared for their people and aided their success. Returning to that,” she set her hand over mine, “that would be a legacy I know you could be proud of… Leo.”

Blair moved around me, leaving me to consider her words. What did that mean? How could I help my people find success? I didn’t know where to start or how to…

“This one,” Blair stopped at a display near the end of the counter. “If it pleases you, I would like this one.”

I moved to look at her selection, frowning immediately. Of all the pieces she’d touched, it was by far the smallest and the least attractive. A simple platinum heart with an emerald suspended in the center, strung on a platinum chain.

“I’m afraid, you can’t have that one.”

“Why not?” The familiar fire I knew from our past raged to life. “You said I could pick anything—”

“So, I did, but I can only allow you to have that one if you also agree to take this one as well.” I nodded to the shop owner who waited for my command. He stepped forward and slipped another necklace around her elegant neck.

Her fingers found the ruby almost immediately. Three carats cut in a teardrop shape. It must have weighed heavily on her collarbone. She shifted and breathlessly stared in the tabletop mirror as the shop owner finished with the clasp. Delight warmed my heart as she tried to find the words, but again, Blair was speechless.

“How—how did you know that I would—”

“Duchess Augustine,” I answered. “You worked as her lady’s maid that summer between your semesters at university to make extra cash. I noticed that instead of exhibiting her extensive jewelry collection, she wore the same ruby pendant almost every night.” Blair’s eyes widened, and it confirmed what I had suspected. “When I asked her if it was her favorite, she said no, but her sweet lady’s maid had told her that diamonds were valuable, but too plain. Rubies were only for the most passionate people, those unafraid to stand out. People who embodied love and commitment.” I couldn’t help my smile as it slowly spread. “And I knew in that moment, rubies had to be your favorite.”

She faced the mirror again, fingertips caressing the deep scarlet stone that hung perfectly around her neck. “I—I—can’t—”

Before she could deny my gift, I slipped my arm around her waist and drew her closer. Lips dangerously close to her ear, I whispered, “Tell me again that you’re not a contender, Blair.” Her chest swelled with unspent breath. “Because I chose you for a reason.”

Her lips parted as our eyes locked. I could kiss her. Something held me back.



Instead, I removed the mitten charm from my pocket. I held it in my palm, curious to hear her answer to a question I had to ask.

“Are you in this for me, Blair, or the crown?”

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