Page 60 of Royally Yours

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Molly was the sweetest of the house maids, but prone to gossip. If she saw Coco, the entire country would know by lunch and the story would spin out of control.

I shook her shoulder. “Coco, you must wake up. Please.”

Maybe it was the shock, maybe her back hurt as much as mine did from sleeping on the couch, or maybe she heard the absolute panic in my voice, but in the next breath, her head popped up. Eyes dark with smudged makeup, hair sticking out at every angle with curls frizzed in opposite directions, I still found myself staring at her beautiful face. Without any effort, I could slip my hand along her jaw and bring her lips against mine.

“What’s going on?” Her unnerved response brought me out of my impulsive thoughts.

“Your Highness? It’s getting cold,” Molly tried again through the door. “Are you hurt?”

“We fell asleep,” I practically hissed the reply. “But no one can know you were here.” Without thinking, only in desperation to save both of our rears, I pushed her off the couch.

Bad idea.

A small squeal popped out of her as she plopped on the floor. “Fitz!” Coco stared up at me, eyes fiery and frustrated.

“Prince Leonidas, I heard a fall.” Molly wasn’t waiting any longer. “I’m coming in.”

Gripping the blanket with both hands, I cast it over Michaela like a net, caught the back edge of the couch, and launched myself over. The second my feet hit the ground, Molly made it inside, breakfast tray in hand, eyes wide with fright. I jammed my hands on my hips and forced a smile into place. I wanted to look normal, but what was normal anymore? The maid stuttered in her steps, eyeing me like an attraction at the circus. I cleared my throat and forced my nerves down.

“Morning, Molly. I trust you slept well?” I’d never asked her anything of the sort before and she definitely took note.

“Your Highness? Your brow is sweaty and you’re out of breath. Are you ill? Should I fetch the doctor?”

“No,” I stepped forward and took the tray from her hands to set it on the table, “just doing morning calisthenics.”

Her eyes widened farther, which, all things considered, I didn’t think was possible. “In your nightclothes, Your Highness?”

“Sure.” As if to prove it, I dropped to the ground and cranked out two push-ups. “No time like the present, right? Hop out of bed and get to it.”

Behind the couch, Michaela giggled under her blanket.

“Did you hear that?” Molly started past me, headed for the sitting area. “It sounds like a tooney hawk or a silver-breasted squirrel.”

I pushed to my feet, knowing I had to intercept her. “It’s just the fireplace. It makes a weird whistling… giggling sound sometimes.”

“My father is a sweep. I can look at it for you.” She started for the fireplace. My heart did a full backflip as I spotted the lump of a blanket monster crawling backward toward the secret tunnel.

“No!” Michaela’s body collapsed flat under the blanket, just inside the double doors. I threw my arms wide to block Molly’s view and bar her way, acting like I’d gone completely barmy. “I wouldn’t want you to spoil your dress.”

“Oh, that is kind, Your Highness. You think of what I don’t.”

I nodded and stole a breath before I had a heart attack. Motioning for the door, I said, “I have taken too much of your time already.”

Her brow wrinkled with confusion. “I couldn’t possibly leave now, Your Highness. I haven’t tidied your bed yet.” Molly took two steps inside the bedroom and paused, pointing at the lumpy blanket on the ground. “Wasn’t this by the couch a moment ago?”

“Uh—no, different blanket. I have so many. Spoiled rotten. Would you like one?” As I ushered her toward the door, I snagged a blanket from the oversized chair and pressed it into her arms. “My treat.”

“Your Highness,” Molly protested so much she nearly dropped the blanket, “this is highly irregular.”

“Actually,” I kept leading her toward the door, “I’d like to start making my own bed now. This competition has me rethinking things, and I should have more responsibility.”

Molly turned back to face me. Behind me, the escaping Michaela thudded to the ground again, but the chamber maid was too enthralled with her own thoughts to notice.

“It’s Lady Gwendolyn, innit? She’s so beautiful and, even though she’s noble, she’s one of the people too.” Her eyes danced with delight. “Are you going to marry her? That kiss was,” she actually sighed as though she was reliving it herself, “so romantic.”

“It’s early.” I needed to soften my answer, but talking about the last woman I kissed while the woman I fantasized about kissing was escaping my room was more contradiction than I could process properly. “I suppose time will tell.”

When her face fell with disappointment, my guilt returned full force. Not only did I have to worry about breaking Gwen’s heart, but also the hearts of the whole kingdom as well.

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