Page 52 of Royally Yours

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Okay, so it was more than twenty minutes, but I had both of them super glammed by the time we had to be in the ballroom. My scarlet gown with the slit up to… well, just high enough… looked amazing on Sadie with her updo and dark makeup. For once, she looked her age, which was apparently twenty-five, not seventeen like she normally looked. Blair, though hesitant to give up control, finally let me take the lead. With a smooth chignon and my black and deep-purple ombre strapless gown, she was a knockout. Granted, that left me with little time, but I kept it together, and Dahlia at bay with her scissors.

We entered the ballroom together. Fallon was the first to turn and her jaw literally dropped. I squeezed Sadie’s hand to let her know I saw it, too. Whispers followed us as we moved. Had I unwittingly put a target on their heads by making them stand out? About the time I thought of regretting my choice, I noticed the confidence in Blair’s step.

Worth it.

We took our spots where we would wait for our verdict to be announced. The crew still bustled around with the cameras and lighting. I leaned forward, searching for Fitz, but as usual, they’d squirreled him away somewhere.

One of the nameless producers approached, but not to talk to me.

“Lady Ragaelion.” He spoke directly to Blair and extended an envelope. “From the prince.”

“Thank you.” She shot me a worried look before she popped the seal with her finger. Blair pulled a card from the inside, read it quickly, and gasped. Of course, I had to be super snoopy and peek. Without asking, I tugged the edge closer and for once, she didn’t fight me.

You’re a lady of court, and tomorrow, with the prince as a guide, you’ll be treated as one as well. Dress for a solo day date in Princeborough. Car leaves at 11 a.m.

“Blair, that’s amazing.” I couldn’t hold back my excitement for her. “You have a solo date with the prince.”

“Yeah.” She nodded slowly, but her excitement wasn’t even half of mine. I exchanged a glance with Sadie, but she didn’t understand either.

“Why do you look so bummed?”

She blinked rapidly and cleared her throat. After swiping at her nose, she said, “Blimey, look at me. I had to get all posh for him to notice me.”

Before I answered, I searched for Fitz again, but couldn’t find him. “Look around. He’s not here, Blair. And this is personally penned.” I pointed at the note written in calligraphy. “He made this choice before he saw you.” I took her by the shoulders and forced her to face me. “You’re gorgeous even without all of this. All I did was make it so that no one could ignore you anymore. Now, pick your chin up. You are a lady of court, and you drop your head for no one.”

“Except the prince,” Sadie offered.

“Yes,” I forgot that part, “definitely do the whole curtsy thing for him, but screw the rest of them. You don’t have anything to prove.”

Her teeth caught the inside of her lip as she looked at the note. “You really think he did this before I came down here?”

“I’m positive. He wants to know you better, and now just imagine what’s going to happen with you looking like a total snack?”

Her brow wrinkled as she cast me a dubious stare. “Snack?”

“Sorry, American phrase. It means you look good enough to eat.”

“Dishy,” Sadie translated with a wink.

I started to say more, but they called for our attention. As we got into place, Blair hid the note in the bodice of her dress.

I noted the increase in security. After last night, they weren’t taking any chances. I spotted Kabir with the others. Nothing could happen to me with him around.

A short whistle split the air. It didn’t take me long to find Bishop. As a reward, he winked his approval.

Lights flashed once to signal the start, cutting Bishop’s flirtatious nature short. The music cued and Corbin Snyder, looking far less wussy than he had last night during the attack, made his entrance.

“Hello, Nolcovia!” His bright-white smile caught the lights. “Welcome to another night of… Royally Yours.”

With my new knowledge from Bishop about my position with the king and queen, the nod to our secret letters made me smile even more.

Corbin continued, “Tonight, Prince Leonidas will continue to shorten the playing field. After giving the night’s favorite charm to Lady Gwendolyn, only eight charms remain. Three ladies will go home tonight.”

Night’s favorite? What did that mean? I couldn’t help but steal a glance at Gwendolyn, three people away. Her fingers played with a small snowflake charm on her bracelet, and her smug look of triumph was definitely new. Once more, Fitz had left me out of the loop. But it wasn’t like we’d had time to sneak in a chat.

“Now, the man the hour, the one you’re waiting for,” Blair’s hands clasped together as she bounced through her toes and waited on Corbin’s words, “his Royal Highness Prince Leonidas!”

Guards flanking either side of him, Fitz entered from a distant door. They appeared determined to follow him to Corbin’s mark, but Fitz shot a glare to warn them off. I understood. He didn’t want to look afraid, but was he leaving himself open to attack by refusing their help?

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