Page 44 of Royally Yours

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She hesitated. Why would she hesitate?

“Of course, Your Highness.”

The second she accepted, my security detail moved in as though to inspect her. I held up my hand to stop them. “We’ll only be a minute.” I motioned for Eirene to follow me away from the fire and she soon fell in step with me. Frustrated by the necessities of my life, I apologized. “Sorry about that.”

Eirne’s face turned toward the distant hills, highlighted by the rising moonlight that kissed the snowy tips. “After everything last night, I understand their concern, Your Highness. But,” a hint of amusement snuck into her tone, “to put your mind at ease, they did search us thoroughly before we left the palace and then again once we arrived here.”

While it did put my worried mind at ease, it also left me uncomfortable. “They shouldn’t treat you like criminals.” Footsteps crunched the snow behind us, a cameraman following from a distance to capture what he hoped would be an intimate moment. We’d all been outfitted with microphone packs, so even if the video came out badly, our words would serve their purpose. The thought made me ache for privacy.

“Where are you from, Eirene? I don’t think I know.”

Once again, guarded in her response, her mouth twisted to the side as she thought on her answer. “Urdania Province now,” she sighed, “but originally from Corswald Province, Your Highness.”

I understood my security detail’s reaction immediately. Eirene originated from the most rebellious province in the country, the same province that had launched an attack last night. My feet faltered and suspicion sparked to life in my heart. Would I be safe alone with her? Was this what they had waited for? And here, I’d sent away my bodyguards.

“We’re not all violent rebels, Your Highness.”

My discomfort eased out of me in a weak laugh, knowing she’d picked up on my reaction so quickly. Either I was an open book, or she was insightful. “You give your full devotion to the monarchy, then?”

Her immediate silence brought back the fear. Finally, she found the words to explain her position. “While I wish you no harm, and while my own rebellion is intellectual in nature, I’m afraid I can’t give the full devotion you seek.”

“You dare disgrace the crown?” I hoped she understood I wasn’t angry, but instead curious. It took great courage to say the words she did.

“I’m not the one who caused the disgrace, Your Highness.” She looked away, perhaps judging how much insubordination I would endure before I put her in her place. But I wasn’t in the mood to shut her down. I wanted to understand. Too many treated me with kid gloves when it came to matters of state. If I was about to be king, then I needed to understand what I was facing. “With much of your country silently suffering, the royals have done little to earn my respect.” She drew in a short breath but pressed on. “I understand that my words may qualify for treason, but I don’t regret them. If you have to, send me home, I won’t hold it against you, but,” she stopped and fumbled with the clasp on her bracelet, “this will pay for food for many families where I—”

I set my hand over her wrist, stilling her movement. “On the contrary, Lady Eirene,” I found myself staring at her in absolute wonder, “I value your words. Please, tell me more.”


I stared at the intruder, shocked at his audacity. Where did this guy get off? Coming in and accusing me out of nowhere?

“I wasn’t going to burst into flame.”

“I beg to differ.” His eyebrows rose a quarter inch. “Your pants are on fire.”

I recognized the phrase from my childhood immediately. “I’m not lying!”

“No,” he leaned to the side and pointed, “quite literally, your jeans are smoking.”

“What?” I sprang to my feet and spun around like a dog chasing its tail, but that only made it worse. The trail of smoke twisted around me and confirmed his allegation. “Oh my gosh!”

I shifted away from the fire, thinking that being close to the source was only making it worse, but at the same time the handsome stranger swept forward to put out the hazard. We crashed against each other and landed in a heap. Taking no thought for whether I was okay with it or not, he gripped my hip and patted down my thigh and backside while I died from embarrassment.

“There we are,” he said with a few more pats before he leaned on his elbow, comfortably perched above me. “Only a light charring.” With only a foot between us, I didn’t miss his crooked grin as his gaze locked on my face. “Yes, here we are…”

Oh, Michaela! How did I get myself into these situations? How would it look if someone walked in on us, him sprawled over the top of me in front of a roaring fire? It wasn’t like anyone would believe I’d nearly burst into flames.

My palm slammed repeatedly against his shoulder, patting him roughly to remove him from the place where we’d literally landed. “Super grateful for your help, but I’m fine.” Finally free, I sat up to put space between us. “But thank you.”

He rolled back, arms bent behind him as he rested on his forearms to face me. “You are quite fine, I have to agree.” His gaze drifted lazily over me from head to toe and then back up again.

“Stop that,” I scolded as I scrambled to my feet. “This,” I pointed my finger between him and me repeatedly, “is not a flirty thing here.”

Pushing off his arms, he sat up and shrugged. “It could be.” His eyes took another lap for good measure. “If you’re interested.” With a lazy finger, he pointed at my face. “By the shade of your cheeks, I would wager you are.”

I clapped my palms over my deceitful cheeks and took another step backward. “Look, I’m only here for Fitz, so whatever biological response you’re seeing is purely the issue of—” I noted his wide eyes and wicked smile, “What?”

He leaned forward, hooking his arm around his knee as he still stayed on the ground. “Did you say Fitz?”

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