Page 25 of Royally Yours

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Fitz pulled the gold crown from the table beside him and rolled it around in his hand. “They’re not recording you, specifically.“ He glanced up and must have seen my reaction because he quickly tried to explain. “They don’t see you as a viable option for the future queen. They figure you won’t make it through the first round, so they don’t want to waste film on you.”

I’d received tougher blows over the years, but that one sure didn’t feel good. Was it only because I wasn’t from Nolcovia? Or was it something more?

“You know,” I tried to play it off, “if I’m in this country much longer, my self-esteem is pretty much going to be zero.” I took the seat near him on the couch. “Who exactly is they anyway?”

Fitz leaned back against the couch and stared up at the ceiling. “My parents have hired producers who are filming and editing the show to be aired here in Nolcovia. They are the ones designing the system with some input from me.” He rolled his head from side to side, pulling at his collar to make room. Fitz had always hated ties. “Tonight, I’ll send ten home. The ones who remain will be given a bracelet and, at each ceremony, if I ask them to stay, they will receive a new charm for their bracelet.”

“And when they don’t make the cut?”

Fitz shrugged like that was the last thing he wanted to think about. “They give the bracelet back and leave.” He turned to look at me. “I’ll keep you here until the final four so that you can help me until the very end and give me your final assessment.”

I nodded like it made sense, but how could it? I’d never been one for reality TV, and yet I’d landed smack dab in the middle of a show.

“Tell me,” Fitz shifted to face me, “what have you seen tonight that I should know?”

The question broadsided me, though, all things considered, it shouldn’t have. That was my sole purpose for being in Nolcovia. But I hadn’t taken time to get to know that many of the contestants outside of the few common girls I’d met.

“I like Blair.” It was the honest truth. She was sharp and witty and real. He needed someone like that. “Eirene has a chip on her shoulder about the kingdom, but I think you could change her mind. Carline is sweet, and Dagny is precocious, and of course Sadie is precious beyond words.”

His brow creased slightly. “I know Blair, and I only spoke to Sadie for a moment. I got the feeling she didn’t want to be here.” Fitz pushed on without my input. “I don’t remember the rest, except for Dagny and she’s… well… Dagny. Nice as they are, I don’t see any of them with the capability to rule a country.”

“Well, isn’t ruling your job?“ I spoke before my brain reminded me that I was talking to a prince. “I mean, does she have to be all royal and whatever, or could she be kind and generous instead?”

“I guess.” Fitz brushed me off and started looking over notes on his pad.

“Okay,” I decided to go at it from another direction, “why don’t you tell me who you like and we’ll work from there?”

Fitz nodded and started listing off names, most of whom I hadn’t met, but all of them had Lady at the front of their names. Blair was right. The commoners were the token girls there to make the crown look good, but never once had the royals even toyed with the idea of giving them a fair shot.

“Lady Esmerey.” His voice caught my attention.

“Why her?” I interrupted his list.

“She’s beautiful. She’s regal.” Fitz started listing the reasons off on his fingers. “She knows how to run a kingdom.”

I scoffed at the idea. “She’s also a really big jerk.”

Fitz pulled a face like I was crazy. “Well, she’s civil to me.”

“Of course, she is.” I laughed at his naivete. “She wants the crown. Next, you’re going to tell me Fallon and Lilith made your list as well.”

Fitz glanced at his list and then stretched his jaw to the side as he thought about his answer. He drew in a deep breath and exhaled all at once. “Is there any reason to suspect they wouldn’t make good queens?”

I rubbed my palms over my face, trying to convince myself that this couldn’t be reality. No way would Fitz fight to keep those awful women. “Only because they are repugnant human beings, but I guess their heads can hold a crown up if that’s all you’re looking for.”

Anger flashed in my friend’s eyes. I’d crossed some invisible boundary, and he wasn’t going to let it go. “Perhaps I need to remind you that this is not America. What you value is not always what I will value for my future queen. While it would make great headlines for a few weeks to select a commoner, she won’t be ready to rule at my side.”

It was never my intention to travel thousands of miles to be patronized by a would-be king. If he thought I was backing down because he’d tried to put me in my place, then he had another thing coming.

“Then tell me what you’re looking for, Fitz, because clearly our values are out of sync.” I should have stopped there, but I wasn’t even close to done. “Maybe you’re out of touch with your people and what they need. I’ve heard horrible things tonight, and you would be smart to pay attention to some of these lesser common girls.”

“I never called them that. I was merely drawing attention to the fact that they aren’t of noble blood.”

“And when you say it like that,” my volume increased with my frustration, “it sure sounds like you’re calling them less than you.“ Emotions rose and choked me as I thought of young Sadie and her thin body and simple gown. “I mean, you’re not even letting them keep the bracelet. I’m sure it’s pure silver—“

“Platinum,” Fitz interjected as if my idea had insulted him.

“Even worse.” I shook my head. “Any one of these common,“ I noted the way he flinched this time, “women could sell it to make more money than they’d see in months.”

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