Page 117 of Royally Yours

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I glanced at Kabir to confirm it, but he looked away, shaking his head. Bishop had tried to rig the system, but he forgot that in a kingdom like Nolcovia, the system was already rigged from within.


Esmerey felt more akin to a leech than a lady of court. She clung to me without letting go. Thunder cracked overhead, but no rain fell. Behind us, cameramen followed closely. I was supposed to put on a good show, but anger twisted my heart.

My fingers were within inches of Michaela when Esmerey had slammed against me. It was only on instinct that I’d tightened my grip on her, and seconds later, the music ended prematurely. When I located Coco again, Kabir was with her. But Kabir wasn’t a part of the dance. One look at Bishop told me that even he was disappointed in the end result.

“Your Highness, do you know that I am the only one who hasn’t had time alone with you?”

“Is that so?”She, like everyone else, neglected to remember Michaela. According to public view, I hadn’t had time either. Something I found myself regretting more with every passing second. I motioned for an overhang with two straw bales beneath it. “How have we managed that?”

It was rhetorical, of course. She was my parents’ choice. Despite her beauty, I had little connection with her. The more I watched her, the more vapid and arrogant she appeared to be. The epitome of noble corruption and the last person I wanted to rule beside me.

“I’m not sure,” her hand slipped over my thigh, “but I’m glad you chose me at the end of the dance.”

I looked away, unable to shield my true feelings on the subject. “Such serendipity.”

“My prince,” her long fingers caught my jaw and drew me back to face her, “am I displeasing? Do you find me ugly?”

Wrinkles furrowed between my brows. “No, not at all. I have to admit, I don’t know you well, but I don’t think you’re—“

Her lips collided with mine. My whole body stiffened as the impromptu kiss shocked me senseless. Bold choice, even for the most conceited. As my senses took hold again, I pressed her away from me, more resolved than ever to send her home.

“I’m sorry, milady. If I gave you the idea that I was the kind of man who would—“

“You kissed Sadie.” Her mouth tightened. “She’s told everyone. I thought I deserved a chance to plead my case as well.”

Words wouldn’t form but instead came out as short bursts of sound and befuddlement. “That’s not how this works.” The cameraman shifted closer, and my discomfort doubled. “I hope we can take time to get to know each other and if—“

“But if you feel it, then you know, right?” She stole my hand and pressed it against her heart. “Don’t you feel it?”

I gulped at her forward nature eager to untangle myself from her grasp. “I don’t know, I—“ How was I supposed to think straight? “For me, it’s an intellectual connection before it’s ever a physical one.”

Her grip released my hand, instantly disappointed. “I see. And you think I’m stupid.”

My eyes widened. “Not at all. I simply haven’t found anything that we have in common, or any redeeming…” I let my voice trail off before I finished. No redeemable qualities would make a great headline. “Maybe we need more time, but I don’t think becoming physical would…”

Twigs cracked in the distance, drawing my attention away from Esmerey. Chantal stepped from behind a nearby building and smiled softly. “I do apologize for interrupting, but I was hoping for a moment with the prince.” She glanced at Esmerey. “Alone.”

I’d reached a new level of desperate if spending time with my ex was preferable to Esmerey. Thankfully, Esme put up no fight and left without another word, obviously hurt by my actions. Chantal’s dainty features twisted with anxiety. Hand on the cameraman’s shoulder, she whispered a few words and he departed as well. Even I struggled with convincing them to leave. How had she done it so easily?

Head bowed, she joined me on the straw bale, fingers twisted together in her lap. I’d seen her manipulation before and I’d seen her contrition. This was the latter, not the former. Something had her feeling regret, and I sensed she needed my absolution.

As if she knew the question before I asked, she said, “I told him Tom wouldn’t want this recorded as it would put him in a bad light.”

My defenses rose quickly. There were only so many reasons for the producer to look bad and I didn’t fancy the idea of any impropriety happening on my watch. But Chantal shook her head as if to silence my fears. “Nothing like that, but he wouldn’t want people to know his secrets.” She inhaled slowly and closed her eyes. The patter of drizzle sprang to life on the awning above us. “I told you from the beginning that I was here for you and that’s the truth. Mostly. But when you assumed that I was one of your parents’ choices, I’m afraid you were mistaken.”


“I was asked here by the producers.” She shrugged. “They knew I could drum up trouble and drama. They wanted me to make controversy and I wanted another shot with you.”

What was she saying? She was brought in to play a villain? “I don’t understand.”

“I saw my chance to get you back.” She looked up at me, eyes wide and pleading. “But I can see the writing on the wall, Leo. You’re falling for her, and I don’t want to look like a fool. Because of that, I’m leaving the competition. You can say my parents are ill and I’m concerned. That way you save face, but I won’t stay here knowing your heart belongs to someone else. I had my chance and I lost it.”

I tried to speak but for a moment, I couldn’t find the words. “I know I spent a great deal of time with Sadie this week, but if you think my decision is made—“

“Not Sadie,” she interrupted. The faintest smile tried to bravely spread but failed. “Michaela. You love her. It’s obvious.”

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