Page 110 of Royally Yours

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Was he on the phone? In a meeting? Who would be up this late? Carefully, I crept through the entry into the darkness of his room. Like before, the light of the fire flickered over the carpet, creating a dance of flames that drew me forward, too curious for my own good.

“You’re right, but if we have the corn vendors here, then the firebreathers will simply be making popcorn and all the chocolates will be ruined at the confectionary.” Sadie’s voice surprised me. Why was she in his room?

“And that’s why I need you, Sadira. Because you are the brains of this operation.“ Adoration seeped into every word. That was new. What had happened on their date? “But then, you’re also the beauty as well.”

I couldn’t help myself. I had to know. I had to see.

“Your Highness, you flatter me too much. I’m a plain girl from the poorest province and—“

“And I don’t care,” Fitz cut her off. “Truth be told, I’m smitten by you, Sadira.”

With my final step, they came into view. Seated on the couch, he cradled her face in his hand as it slipped over her ear and threaded into her hair. Tilting forward, his lips brushed hers.

I couldn’t breathe.

I couldn’t think.

He deepened the kiss, drawing her closer with every passing second. She gave in easily, leaning into him as if he was her refuge.

My heart sank and shattered on impact. I reversed my steps, desperate to escape. The chill of the passageway cooled my hot cheeks as I stepped inside and latched the doorway. I pressed forward, needing space, but my feet faltered in the dark without my flashlight’s beam. My palms smacked against the walls, grating hard on the ancient stone. Breathing deeply, I paused, knowing I couldn’t outrun it any longer. Palm over my mouth, I smothered the sob before it burst from my chest.

It was stupid. What drove me to tears? This was why I’d come. I was supposed to help him find love and find it with the right person. Was there anyone better than Sadie?

There in the dark, without the world watching, with not even a reflection to give me away, I faced the truth.

Yes, there was someone better than Sadie.


And it looked like I’d missed my shot with him.

He was falling in love with someone else.


He never did come and find me. Not that I expected him to after what I’d witnessed. Bishop’s warning rang in my ears as he spent all of his time planning the changes to what they were calling Christmas Eve Festival, rather than the ball. So much for wearing my best dress.

I glanced at the mud under my boots and frowned as water pooled around my toes. It had finally stopped raining, but no sun and no snow. Just mud everywhere. Not exactly the makings for a magical ball like I’d hoped. Though it fit my mood better. Maybe Bishop was right. Maybe Fitz wouldn’t have any room for a friend like me if he had a wife like Sadie.

The thought hurt, maybe even more than it did to see them kiss.

“Do they have to fawn over him like that?” Chantal frowned and elbowed me. “They’re practically dripping off of him. Positively thirsty if you ask me.”

The festival had started a couple hours before, but the crowd had only started to grow within the last hour. We’d all been given assignments by Sadie, something that had rubbed most of the nobles the wrong way. I’d been paired up with Chantal and Gwen to attach the ribbons to the maypole. We’d finished within an hour, but Sadie, Blair, and Esme finished with the bakery display faster. While Esme wound her arm through Fitz’s, Blair and Sadie recounted stories that kept him enthralled and laughing like a fool.

It wasn’t in my nature to be jealous… but there’s a first time for everything.

“Dagny!” Chantal’s voice turned sharp. “Do be careful. I’ll not be unwinding you again.”

Dagny spun around the ribbon, wrapping it tighter around her arm. We’d already untangled her twice. How she’d managed to get wrapped up in it all like a fly in a spider’s web, I would never know. But her whimsical nature left her curious and, despite our warnings, she reached for more of the ribbons that hung from the maypole.

Gwen groaned under her breath. “It’s like nannying a child.”

“Like you’d know,” Chantal quipped back. “You act like they all have the plague.”

“Have you seen them?” Gwen frowned. “Most do.”

Hydraulics released nearby as a bus pulled to a stop on the street. I followed the sound but noted Chantal’s amused grin. “Don’t look now. It looks like the prince invited the entire children’s ward.”

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