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She’s been here with me for eight weeks at Sea Star. She’s brought on three more day ride girls and eight horses were shipped from Idaho, including Picasso, her paint. While she’s been making a life here, I know something has to give way soon enough. A girl like Sunny, they don’t stay still for too long, and I have to admit, I have some plans of my own.

She smacks me with the back of her hand. “Are you paying attention? This is the most important letter of my life.”

“Ow.” I rub my arm and make a show of it, playing like she actually hurt me when she didn’t. “Don’t use your super spy strength on me. I’m just a civilian.”

“You’re an alien and we both know it,” she points the envelope at me, “now, pay attention.”

Her finger slips beneath the seal. I don’t have to pay attention. I know what it’s gonna say. But if she wants me watching closely, then I plan to take advantage of the situation. I wrap my arms around her middle, tucking my chin into the crook of her neck until she starts giggling.

Feigning innocence, I smirk. “What? I’m getting closer to see better. This way you have all my attention.”

“Yeah,” she pulls the letter free, “I’m sure that’s all you’re doing, Everett.” Her eyes scan over the letter, but I’m faster. I read the lines she’s been eager to hear.

She’s been accepted.

“I’m in!” She starts bouncing up and down so fast, I feel like I’m trying to hold a jackhammer. “I’m in! I’m in!”

“Like there was ever a doubt.” I press a kiss against her cheek between bounces. “You could teach vet school, Sunny. Being a student will be a breeze for you.”

Her arms wrap around my neck, squeezing until I start to fear for my blood flow. She steals a kiss before she pulls away. “Oh my gosh, I have to call Dad.”

Like a tornado moving on to the next town, she runs from the barn toward her cabin. I shake my head, loving her more every minute. The vet school was my first choice since she won’t have to leave. It’s an easy commute from Sea Star. I won’t be losing her any time soon.

In reality, if my plan goes right, I won’t be losing her ever.


Picasso took a little time getting used to the ocean waves. He was born in Idaho, raised in Idaho, and had never seen an ocean before. Granted, now that he knows what they are, I can’t hardly keep him out of them.

“You better kick or he’s gonna lay down again,” Rhett warns from the shore. Yesterday, there was a little incident with Picasso deciding to roll in the ocean waves. No one was hurt, but everyone got wet. I don’t think Rhett is looking for a repeat of that event.

I bump Picasso with my heels to bring him out of the ocean tide. He resists at first but sees Chance on the shore and decides time with his friend outweighs swimming. Stopping him in the sand, I dismount and tie his lead to the rail we installed for riders. I unbuckle his bridle and show him the hay bag of food just for him.

“We brought food for the boys, but I didn’t remember to ask Cookie for something to eat for us.” I pat Picasso’s neck before I come around to find Rhett. Much to my surprise, he has dinner laid out on a blanket, complete with candles. “I see you made time to talk to him instead.”

Rhett shoots me a disappointed look. “Like Cookie is the only one who knows his way around a kitchen. Give me a little credit. I made everything.”

I sink onto the blanket next to him. “When?” Taking the plate he hands me; I squint my eyes. “You know, I’m starting to think there’s something to this alien rumor.”

“If I can keep your secret about being a spy, you can keep mine.” He winks. “Hush and eat your food.”

Happy to oblige, we fall into easy conversation about his day, my day, and the host of guests I took out on the trails. I can’t help but notice the nerves that seem to buzz through his voice, but I don’t call him on it. I’ve known him long enough to know that he’ll tell me when he’s ready. That moment doesn’t come until he sets his plate aside.

“Dad came and talked with me today.” The heft of his words tells me it’s definitely the bit of information that’s been weighing on him. “He and Mom have decided it’s time to retire.”

I can’t help pulling a face. “What does that mean though? They live here. How do you retire when you live at your job?”

“Well, Mom has always wanted to see Europe. And since you’ve been teaching her to ride, Dad’s been starting to see that he doesn’t give her what she wants, he gives her what he wants, and he’s decided to make a change. They’re going to travel around Europe for a while. He’s not sure how long actually.”

“And the ranch?”

Rhett starts to laugh, but not his normal laugh, something closer to feeling incredulous about what he’s about to say. “He wants me to run it. Dad says the transfer of power is long overdue. He’s signing everything over to me.”

My mind immediately starts trying to undo any loose ends. “How does Carl feel about that?”

“He’s happy.” Rhett shrugs. “He just told me he’s headed off for the city. He’s got plans to get a record deal. Dad set him up with a nest egg to live on until he gets there, but with his online following he’s been building, I don’t think it’ll take long.”

One last thread begs to be tugged. “But that leaves you here alone. That’s a pretty big trigger for you. Are you okay with it?”

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