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Realizing his mistake, Rhett tries to backpedal. “That’s not what you’re doing. If anything, you’re more present than anyone.”

“How so?” The ball arcs through the air again, soaring wild and free, stealing my attention.

“Because you’re not even bogged down by a name.” Rhett’s fingers catch my jaw, bringing me back to look at him. “You’re more you than any of us. You don’t have expectations or the past to define you. You’re living every single moment in the present.” His fingers fall away, and he returns his attention to the game. “We could all learn something from you.”

For the first time, I want to tell him everything. My name, my past, what happened to make me run away, all of it. But before I have a chance, Rhett has another idea.

“Come on,” Rhett takes my hand, “I think it’s time I start playing this game.”

Chapter 22



I hope I look hope I look braver than I feel. Six years now Nick’s been playing Fire Ball, and this is the first time I’ve been willing to try.

“Has anyone ever gotten hurt?” Sunny asks from my side. She hasn’t taken her eyes off the ball of fire arcing around the beach from player to player.

“Not really. Some scorched hands.” I swallow hard, trying to keep my nerves from devouring me.

“Do you need gloves?” She motions to the pile no more than ten feet away from me.

“You don’t have to. As long as you release it fast, it doesn’t burn.” At least that’s what everyone’s been telling me for years when they’ve tried to talk me into it.

“Rhett!” Nick calls my name before the tiny inferno launches in my direction. It might as well be a comet headed right for my head, ready to wipe out civilization as we know it, my heart starts racing like it is. I take one step back, gauging the distance between me and the fireball. My hand locks around it, a flash of heat, before I shout, “Carl!” and throw it at my brother to my hard right. With a whoop, he catches it and releases the ball again. Adrenaline burns through my veins like I poured the kerosene in my bloodlines. I shake out my hands and bounce in place to get the unspent energy to stop pinging around my body. I don’t even care that Sunny is laughing, I did something I never thought I would do, and it was great. And I survived. It makes me wonder what else I could do if I got the guts.

“You want a turn?” I ask her. “It was pretty cool.”

Her brows crush inward, but her eyes remain eager and excited. “Did it hurt?”

“No, not at all. Just know where you’re throwing it, so you don’t have to wait and think about it.”

“I don’t know.” Her nervous stare locks onto the ball again. “You took, what, six years before you tried it. Maybe I should do the same.”

“Come on,” I nudge her with my elbow, “you drive a secret military SubBug, but you can’t catch a fireball?”

“I was sick that day of inferno training in spy school. I made it to exploding pens and underwater devices, but no inferno training.”

I raise my arm over my head, knowing Nick will have it next, and he’ll waste no time in getting it back to me. Moving behind Sunny, I watch the ball start in our direction. Her wide eyes track the fireball, like watching might somehow teach her everything she needs to know. It’s a good instinct, but sometimes one fact remains true.

“It’s good to feel ready and brave. That’s what everyone wants. But sometimes,” I drop my volume so only she’ll hear me, “you gotta do things scared or nothing good will ever happen.”

I fall back a step giving her space to catch the fire ball. She screams, but not out of fear. Pure delight flashes in her eyes as she tosses it to me like a hot potato. I catch it with a laugh and launch it at Silas on the fringe. The second it’s cleared my hands, Sunny throws her arms around my neck and squeals.

“That was so cool! I was holding fire in my hands!”

I wrap my arms around her, unable to help myself. I spin us once, her legs flying out as her laughter chases us in a circle. Heat rushes my chest as my heart races in ways I never imagined. Needing space, I release my grip and back away, but not before I see a spark in her eyes that’s never been there before. Something that says she felt that rush too.

“I’m going over here,” she motions to open space between me and Carl. “Toss it to me if you catch it?”

“Of course.” I rub my palm over my mouth trying to dispel the buzzing feeling that won’t leave me alone. I look over her shoulder to see Carl smirking. He makes a heart with his hands and points to Sunny, who thankfully isn’t watching him, then gives me a thumbs up.

I don’t speak whatever sign language he’s using, but I swear my little brother just told me to go for it with Sunny. I may be able to catch fire in my bare hands, but somehow, I doubt I have the strength to hold a wildfire like Sunny without getting burnt.

“So,” Carl slides in next to me the second Mandy pulls Sunny away to get a drink, “What’s happening with you and Sunny?”

I shoot him a glare. “We’re friends.”

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