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“A little privacy for this chat seems in your best interest.”

My heart stalls. He knows. Somehow, he knows what I ran away from. This has to be some kind of threat or a plan to blackmail me for my sins. I search the room, colors swirling in my panicked vision, Stolls and Whitlock have to be here for him to be this smug. I let down my guard for one second and it’s over. I have to run.

“I’ve been watching you.” Carl leans closer, narrowing his eyes. “I’ve made a decision.”

“What’s that?” I steel my muscles, knowing I could fight back if I need to get free.

“I don’t think you’re a threat.”

My unspent adrenaline burns for release, but if I heard him right, it’s not necessary.


“You,” Carl lowers his voice as much as he can while still being heard, “the stuff we talked about before, I don’t think you’re a thief or a criminal. And if you’re a con artist, then you must be working a really long con, and I don’t think anyone would scoop as much manure as you have just to take advantage of two old ranchers.”

“I’m not a thief.” I’m not sure I can claim that I’m not a criminal, not without flinching. “I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

He shrugs and leans back where Rhett was a few minutes ago. “That’s why I haven’t said anything.”

“And I should thank you?”

That arrogant smile he wears a little too easily slides across his cheeks. “I wouldn’t turn it down if you wanted to.” When I don’t do as he asks, he straightens like I’ve hurt his feelings. “Don’t tell me Ol’ Everett has soured you against me. And after I was so careful to stay neutral.” Carl leans closer. “What lies did he tell you?”

“Rhett doesn’t lie.” It feels as true as stating that fire is hot. “And he doesn’t speak badly of you, not really.”

“Come on,” Carl quirks an eyebrow, “I can see it in your eyes. What’d he say?”

I hate being stuck in the middle of their fight, but Carl doesn’t look like he’s willing to relent.

“He said you ruined his college admissions interview,” Carl rolls his eyes and scoffs at the idea, so I press on, “and you stole his last two girlfriends.”

Both eyebrows jut up at that one. “Girlfriends? Alexis and Korie? I don’t think anyone could call them his girlfriends. Girl, space, friend, sure, but they weren’t in a relationship.”

“Rhett seems to think they were.” My darting gaze searches for him, but he’s disappeared. With my luck, he’s made a break for it and I’ll either have to cram into Houston’s truck on someone’s lap, or ride home with Carl. I face him down again, letting my stare burn with all the indignation I feel. “Isn’t that all that matters?”

It doesn’t faze him, not in the slightest. “I get why you’re upset, but I swear, there was nothing to break up. Rhett isn’t one to make a move. As far as I know, he’s never had a girlfriend. He rarely dates. He brought Alexis back to the ranch to go riding and he ended up ditching her to chase down some cows. I found her bored out by the barn waiting for him to come back. And Korie, she came over for dinner and Rhett didn’t say more than six words to her. I’m not one to get tongue tied, so I took up the slack when he wouldn’t speak.”

I press my lips together, contemplating what he’s said. Rhett did say he’s prone to work. Carl might not be lying. That still doesn’t excuse things.

“And the college interview?”

Carl rolls his eyes. “Trust me, if I could have packed his bags for him and shipped him off, I would have.” By the animosity in his voice, I have no doubt that it’s true. “He clammed up. I tried to answer some things for him, and the interviewer liked me better. He offered me the scholarship and admittance, but they had a terrible music program, so I didn’t go. Everett has blamed me ever since.”

“You should tell him that. Explain all this to him.” My frustrations spill over. “If you two talked to each other as much as you talk about each other, you might actually get along.”

“I doubt it.” Carl looks over my shoulder, shakes his head, and moves like he’s going to leave. “Anyway, I wanted you to know that I don’t care if you stay.” He stands and shakes out his hands. “See you around, Sunny.”


“Just an iced tea and a Coke.” I slide the glasses to the bartender. Yeah, I could have waited for the waitress, but I needed some space after Carl’s arrival. I’d like to fire up my truck and head back to the ranch. Every time we get in the same room, I swear the whole place feels like it’s going to explode. Maybe that’s what happens when two people share the same life. That’s what I feel like. I’m standing in the place he was supposed to stand. But he didn’t die, and I’m alive and occupying his birthright, even if he’s never wanted it. The little twirp has it out for me.

The bartender takes his time, flirting with the girls at the end of the bar. He’s likely forgotten the drinks I wanted. I wasn’t kidding about that milkshake. Dean’s Diner sits just three doors down. I could hang out there until everyone wants to leave. I make it as far as the doors leading out before I stop myself. At some point, I have to stop running from my life.

The drinks wait for me at the bar. I set down a couple bills to cover it and tell him to keep the change. Turning back to the area the wranglers took over, I stiffen. Carl sits in my seat, cuddled all too close to Sunny. His arm stretches along the back of the booth, slowly closing the space between them. His interest is all too apparent. My grip on the glasses tightens. My younger brother looks up, meeting my gaze, a little smile teasing his smug expression. He stands a moment later, leaning forward to whisper something to Sunny. Jealousy surges through my veins, not only because of Sunny, but because Carl gets everything. He smiles, and the world falls in line ahead of him. I work as hard as I can to get Buddy’s approval, and I always seem to come up short, but the second Carl even sets foot in the yard, he gets all the praise. It’s not hard to see who Dad wishes were riding beside him. And now he’s planning to steal Sunny next. It’s not fair. I already lost everything. I shouldn’t have to keep losing.

My frustration won’t help her though, and I was raised to be better than that. I shove my feelings about Carl aside, determined to spend a little more time with Sunny while I can.

“Here you go.” I set her drink on the table, only stealing a quick look at her. I’m too scared I’ll see that I’ve lost again. “I should have asked if you wanted something else.”

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