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“Your total is two-hundred and thirteen dollars and thirty-five cents.” The checker stares at me stone-faced, waiting. Cautiously, I keep my driver’s license covered with my palm. Not wanting to flash anything else in my wallet, I carefully lock my fingers around the bills I need and slip them from the pocket. I extend them to the cashier, completely aware of Carl’s unwavering stare. When I go to return the change, I see what’s stolen his attention.

Though barely noticeable, the edges of five other bills poke out. Who walks around with eight hundred dollars in their wallet?

Me. And I can feel the suspicion and questions rolling off him. I give a weak smile to the checker and Carl pushes my cart full of bags and goods for the door. At the exit, I’m quick to load my arms with the bags, wanting to disappear back into the life I’ve created in the last few days. Carl grabs the final bags and nods for the doors. As we walk for the car, the only sound between us are the rustling plastic bags. I swear every step, they try to whisper my secrets.

Carl gets the trunk and allows me to drop my bags in before he follows suit. He wants to ask. I know he does. But why isn’t he? The trunk slams down, startling me. I glance at Carl but other than a slight rise in his eyebrows, he still hasn’t said anything. I swallow my nerves like I’m in the final hand of a poker match. If he’s not going to call my bluff, then I’m not planning on showing my hand. I give a tight smile and move for the passenger side. The doors unlock. I slide in and rub my sweaty palms against my jeans before Carl is fully inside. Feeling secure in my deceptions, I hold my poker face, willing to ride this one out.

But he doesn’t start the car. Carl’s grip wraps around the steering wheel. The silence expands like a balloon with helium until I feel like it’s stolen all the air. He stares straight ahead, muscles in his jaw tensing and releasing at strange intervals, as if he’s about to speak over and over but stops early. He may be a great singer, but I think he has a better future in interrogation because I feel like I might either make a run for it, or spill everything I’ve been hiding at any second.

With a slow exhale, Carl’s chin drops to his chest. Eyes closed, he asks, “So, who are you, really? Because I had some suspicions, but now I don’t know what to think.” He waits through another moment of silence and then starts again. “Your name isn’t Sunny, but I think I knew that.”

“Rhett gave me that name.”

The mention of his brother doesn’t do anything to improve his mood. “Great. Of course he did.” He straightens and lets his hands fall against his legs with a sharp slap. “Look, you’re a nice girl, and we had fun today, but the thing is, this is my parent’s ranch and no matter what I have to look out for them. Rhett may not care, but I’m not so willing to trust a pretty face. If you’re planning to roll them—”

“What?” I can’t help my reaction. “I don’t even know what that means.”

Carl’s head shakes slowly. “You know, swindle, cheat, steal from them—”

“No,” I have no right to sound as self-righteous as I do, considering my situation, but I can’t help it. “I would never.”

Carl looks worn out, like I’ve stolen all his strength. “Then tell me who you are. What’s your name? Why are you here? Are you dangerous? Where’d you get all that cash, and if you have it, why are you shoveling horse manure in what looks like a fifty-dollar manicure.”

I tuck my nails into my palms, wanting to hide my past. “I can’t answer all those questions, Carl. I’m sorry. I can’t. It’s for your safety too. The less you know, the better.” I set my hand to the car handle. “I can get out and get lost if that’s what you want.”

He sighs and sinks back into the driver’s seat. “Half. Can you answer half those questions?”

The need to run away burns red hot in my chest, but with Stolls and Whitlock searching for me, I worry I won’t get too far without the shield I’ve found at the ranch. I press my lips together, considering what I’m willing to divulge. “I’m here because I can’t be anywhere else, but I swear, I didn’t pick the ranch, I don’t want to steal anything. In all honesty, I don’t need to. I took the cash before I left home. I asked Rhett for a job, not because I needed the money, but because I need to vanish for a little bit, just until I figure out what I’m going to do. If I have a job, my new identity is more believable. No one would think I was capable.” I don’t dare look at him yet. “I’m not dangerous to anyone at your ranch. And it was a forty-dollar manicure because they were having a special.”

“Well, that ten dollars changes everything.” Sarcasm heaped high; I know I’m not in the clear yet. “You know how this looks, right?” He pushes his hands through his hair. “I thought you were running from an abuser, penniless, some kind of charity case Rhett picked up off the side of the road, and here you are with way more cash than I thought you’d have. It sure looks like you’re into something criminal. I can’t have my parents harboring a fugitive.”

“I get it.” My fingers wrap around the door handle. “I need my trunk from the ranch, but once I have that I’ll—”

“Hold on.” Carl shakes his head. “Let me think.” He turns to stare at me. I can’t help the fear in my eyes. He holds my future in his hands even if he doesn’t realize it. “You can come back, but I’m gonna be watching you. If I think for a second, you’re going to cause trouble for the ranch—”

“Call the cops. Kick me out. Whatever you need to do.”

He nods, considering what I said. “One more question.”

I brace myself, worried that I won’t be able to answer him.

Carl takes a short breath in, pressing his lips together once before saying, “Are you scared?”

For once I can be honest without hesitation.

“I’m terrified.”


She’s there in the yard when I come around the bend. The jeans look new. The flannel shirt is definitely new, and for once she’s wearing boots instead of sneakers. Other than her blonde hair, she’s an entirely new woman.

I rein into the yard, bringing chance to the rail. Swinging down, she steals the reins and pats Chance’s neck. “He’s awfully sweaty. You two chase down some cattle?”

“Not exactly.” I wish I could see if Carl poisoned her against me like he’s done in the past. I start undoing the cinch while she swaps his bridle for a halter. I’d let it drop, but she’s still waiting on my answer to the question she didn’t ask. “Sometimes I just have to… go… and go fast. You ever get like that?”

Her eyebrows bounce once. “Yeah, safe to say I have.”

Maybe that’s what got her in this situation. She had to get gone, no choice about it. Seeing it in her expression, I feel satisfied in her answer even if it wasn’t spoken outright.

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