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“Just be careful, okay?” The bracelets rattle on his wrist, colliding with his leather cuffs as Nick pulls at his shirt, unbuttoned, as usual, halfway down his chest. With temperatures dropping quickly, maybe he’s regretting his fashion choices for once. “Hey, you coming to the bonfire in a couple weeks?”

“I don’t know. That’s usually not my scene.”

“I’ve got a lot of pretty ladies coming. You could meet someone.” He turns to look down the beach at Sunny. “Or if things are going well, maybe you could bring someone.”

“You gonna have the drummers again? I swear my head was pounding for weeks after the last one.”

Nick shows his playful annoyance easily. “Sometimes I swear you’re as old as your dad.”

“Fine.” The guy knows how to goad me. “I’ll be there.”

Living up his own victory, Nick pulls his yellow tinted glasses from a back pocket, obviously planning to leave. He waves once, never one for goodbyes, and walks for the driver’s side of the tow truck. A black sedan slows for him as though they’re being careful not to hit the pedestrian on the road, but at the last second, the sedan stops directly in front of the tow truck, effectively penning him in. Confused, Nick glances back at me, but I don’t have an explanation.

The car doors open on the sedan. Two men in suits step out. Instinct screams trouble. We don’t get a lot of suits out here. Without bending down, I use my foot to push the trunk under my truck and out of sight.

“Can we help you gentlemen out?” I yell loud enough for Sunny to hear me. I don’t dare look in case they might be the ones looking for her. “You need directions?”

The taller of the two, salt and pepper hair, dark shades, grey three-piece suit too expensive to be anyone in law enforcement, speaks first. “We’re not lost, but we’re looking for someone who might be. Where’d you find this vehicle?”

My mouth goes dry. Lying isn’t my strong point. “It was abandoned.”

The other man, tanned skin, a tattoo peeking out at his white collar, is quick to pick up the thread. “Where?”

“Look, we don’t want any trouble.” Nick puts his hands up like they’re cops. My heart pounds knowing he could turn Sunny in at any second. “This old thing has been there months, man. We’re just healing Mother Gaia one scar at a time” He presses his palms together and bows his head.

The two men exchange a look, but I can’t tell if they bought it.

“You mind if I look inside the car?” Nick is about to say no when the first man brushes his jacket back to display a handgun. “Just a quick peek.”

Nick steps out of the way, allowing them entrance. I’m dying to search the beach for Sunny to be sure she’s safe and out of sight, but the second man hasn’t stopped watching me for one second. I swear her weathered trunk is screaming for him, but I remain still and calm like a duck on a pond, relaxed up top and a flurry beneath.

The man wastes no time opening the door. Sand pours out with a bit of seaweed. The tide must have had a decent dance with the bug. He pushes the chair back, looking under the seat, behind, and then on the side wall of the door.

“What are you looking for? Maybe we can help you,” I offer with no intention of helping him with anything.

“Vin number,” The second man answers. “We’re looking for a specific car.”

“Cars didn’t have VIN numbers before the seventies.” Nick can’t help rattling off his answers. “But these models did come with a chassis and engine number. You can find it right there inside the door.” He comes around to help the goon, and I barely contain my frustration that he’s doing exactly the opposite of what I asked. “It’s right, oh, no I guess it’s not there.” Sunny must have already destroyed it. He twists and contorts to see beneath the seat. “Ah, this one is here. You got a pen?”

From the way Nick has tangled himself in, I’m guessing the man watching him isn’t eager to get in the same spot. Easier to let Nick do his dirty work. He snaps his fingers and the second man hurries to hand him a pen. Taking my moment, I look out over the water. Sunny isn’t there. She’s either hidden or she’s running again. Either way, they’re not finding her this time. When I look back at the scene unfolding at the tow truck, I find the second man staring at me.

I smile, willing myself to believe that I’m not afraid. “Gorgeous sunset tonight, isn’t it? Totally distracting.”

He frowns. “I’ve seen better.”

“Okay, the number is one, one, two, seven, one, zero, zero, zero, eight—”

“It’s not it.” The first man cuts Nick off. “We’re looking for a different car.” He starts for the sedan, but the second man turns to look at me. His glare cuts through me, as if he thinks he has the power to make me wither and wilt until my secrets are his. I stand my ground.

“Have you seen a girl around here? Blonde hair. Attractive. Average height.”

“She sounds pretty.” I raise my eyebrows. I force a laugh, hoping Nick will follow suit. “You got her number? I wouldn’t mind taking a girl like that out.”

He doesn’t find me funny. “She’s dangerous. Our employer is eager to find her before she causes anymore damage.”

“What kind of damage?”

“Whitlock, let’s go.” The first one calls to his companion, not at all sounding like a request.

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