Page 47 of Hell to Pay

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“Like you’ve got to approve my work uniform?”

“That’s a good way to put it. Press your luck and I’ll pick out all of your outfits from now on.”

“Now that I would love to see. You’re on.”

“Hmm. We’ll see. Reach in the back. There’s a bag behind my seat.”

I’m flabbergasted as I drag the stiff, purple paper bag out. It’s from Rustique, at the boutique mall up in the hills. Silk rope handles tie the top off.

Anything inside a bag like this costs more than I’ve ever had in my bank account at one time.

“Open it and put it on.”

“What? I meant you could pick out things of mine for me to wear.”

“Please. I would never select anything from your closet to dress you in.”

So. Rude.

Every word out of his mouth is like a tiny little whip crack across my back, making me flinch. I can’t let him have the gratification of seeing it.

This man is impossible.

And yet I find myself wanting to meet his expectations. Exceed them. But I draw the line at having him make a fool out of me with some outfit that won’t fit me. That’s all I can think about as I set the bag in the floorboard.

“I–I thought that I looked nice,” I argue. I have to stand my ground. I can’t let him see me weak.

He drives on in silence for a moment. “I apologize. It wasn’t my intent to make you feel unattractive. I suppose you do look nice. It simply wasn’t what I had in mind.”

“Well, maybe next time, you tell me what you have in mind instead of expecting me to read your mind.”

His eyebrows slowly arch up like he’s impressed with my finally pushing back with a reasonable argument. “You make a fair point. I will make my desires clearer in the future,” he concedes, although I can tell he wants to argue with me. I was kind of hoping he would. This back and forth between us is infuriating, yet stimulating. As much as I hate to admit it.

“Seriously, though. Put it on. Now.”

My cheeks flush immediately. How does he know just how to piss me off?

Fine. He wants this fight, let’s do it.

I reach into the bag and jerk the slinking fabric out. “Warning you now, when I tear it, I’m not paying you back for it. I’m… plus sized, Evan. Not that you know what that’s like. I won’t fit into your designer Ziplock bag.”

If boredom were a person, he’s sitting right next to me, giving me the deadeye. And I suddenly get the feeling I’m going to be made a fool of in a very different way.

“Look away.” I can feel my cheeks flushing hot and bright red.

He focuses ahead, taking the roundabout leading up into one of the swankiest neighborhoods of condos and mansions.

Checking to make sure he’s not peeking, I unbutton my black top. If I slip the gown on over my head, I should be able to shimmy out of my skirt without having to completely undress in the passenger seat of his sleek black Range Rover. So humiliating.

Thank God he didn’t show up in his sports car.

I don’t think I would have been able to move.

The fabric of the gown is soft, incredibly slinky. It has a hint of sparkle to the jet black, only in certain light. Once I work out where the openings are, I slip it over my head and it glides down around me, my arms easily finding the sleeves. The material hugs my skin, snug but comfortable. Probably more comfortable than anything I’ve ever worn.

It’s sleek, sexy.

I’m too shocked to say anything else as I wiggle it over my skirt, removing the clunky garment from underneath.

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