Page 33 of Captive Bride

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I step forward, my hand tracing a line on the map before us. "When we are ready, we will hit them where it hurts the most. We will dismantle their supply chain and disrupt their operations until they are left scrambling in the dark. Meanwhile, Fredrick’s team from the island will be working the nightlife, particularly the distillery, keeping their eyes open and ears to the ground. It’s amazing, the secrets spilled after a few glasses of good whisky." The plan begins to take shape in my mind, a dangerous dance of strategy and risk.

Declan, Bayne, and Fredrick all agree to the plan. But they disagree with my timeline. Bayne puts a hand on my arm. “Don’t rush this, Callum. We need more intel before we strike.”

“Do we? Declan, Fredrick, weigh in.”

Declan and Fredrick back him up, both stating their own points for waiting a wee bit longer before we strike. With Fiona now in Glasgow, I want a resolution as soon as possible, but I heed their advice.

Timing is a dance we have perfected over the years that has kept us one step ahead of our enemies. It takes time and patience. A rushed mission is often a botched one, risking lives. We have to choose our time to strike carefully.

To my disappointment, that time isn’t now.

“We must create the perfect plan and then wait for the right moment to execute it. We wait. And we watch.” My men nod in silent agreement.

“Let’s get oan wae it, shall we?” A rallying cry of “Ayes” fills the Great Hall.

We disperse, eager to return to work. I’m grateful my team is as dedicated to our cause as I am. My men and I have to weaken the Hoax. I’ll be burying myself in work, putting the pieces together to take them down.

Because now, I’ve brought the person who means the most to me into their line of sight.

Chapter Twelve


Dad laughs as he tells me the latest news on the garden. “There’s a wee bunny rabbit who’s made a den just below the wall. I know he’s nibbling on the cabbage but I haven’t got the heart to kick him out. I thought, ‘Now what would my Fiona do?’”

“Keep him!” I laugh.

“Exactly!” He laughs back. “And probably knit him a scarf.”

“Aye, don’t put it past me. I love those wee bunnies.” I’m joyful, talking to him daily on the Burnes family landline. Not only does it keep my worry over him at bay, but I also enjoy getting to know the clever, witty man who is my father when he’s sober. “I’m so glad you’re healthy and happy,” I add. .”

Dad says, “You sound happy too, lass.”

“Do I?” I ask.

“Aye. We’ve been speaking every day, and you sound happier with each call.”

I think over this past week, the first of my imprisonment.

After that first dinner, Callum was buried in the Great Hall with his men, or he was off scouting around Glasgow. Every evening at five on the dot, we have dinner, or tea, or supper, as we all call it something different. Callum chimes in with a dry comment here or there, but Freya carries the conversation.

To my relief and disappointment, he’s not stepped foot inside my room after that mind-blowing adventure that left me kneeling on the floor, naked, trembling, and clinging to the bedcovers. He’s been so busy with work, wedding plans seem far from his mind, leaving me to enjoy Freya’s company and the house without worrying over his demands for marriage.

Freya’s taken the week off work. She says the time was already planned, but I think she’s here to watch me. Each day, we have some new adventure on the Estate. Knowing my love of nature, she took me down to the creek at the back of the property, guards in our wake. We had a picnic of sandwiches, lemonade, and Nan’s cookies. We dipped our feet in the water and picked wildflowers.

I showed her how to tie their stems together, weaving us each a crown of flowers.

That night, we went to dinner arm in arm, crowns on our heads. My face felt flushed from hiking, air, and sun, and I was giggling at some silly comment Freya had made. Declan was in the room, showing Callum some papers. Callum stopped mid-sentence when I entered, his eyes falling on me with such a hunger, I went weak in the knees.

Paranoid or overprotective, maybe both; Callum’s not allowed me to step foot off the property. I try to convince Freya to go out and enjoy her time off. Instead, she finds more things for us to do. We fill hours with online shopping from her favorite boutiques in Glasgow, ones that offer next day delivery.

When the boxes arrive, we have a fashion show, trying on everything. Freya helps me organize my new wardrobe, shoes, purses, and jewelry. I’m overwhelmed with my new lifestyle, but I lovingly embrace the gifts.

She gifts me pallets of makeup and shows me how to apply it all. We play board games, watch rom-coms, and walk the property. The days have flown by. She’s back to work tomorrow. We’ve decided to celebrate our new friendship by going out tonight.

Butterflies dance in my stomach. I don’t know if we can pull this off. Freya’s convinced we can, but then her brother has no hold on her.

It’s a different story if I get caught.

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