Page 46 of All About Trust

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He raises his eyebrows and waits for me to speak. But I have nothing. I sigh. “Thanks again,” I say.

He nods and turns just as Carter joins us by the door, giving us each a curious once over.

I pull my coat on and hand Carter his.

“Everything good?” He asks.

I tip my head and shrug. “Good enough. You ready to go?”

His eyes fill with concern. But I no longer want to discuss any of this. I don’t want to worry about Brady. It had been a really nice evening. A really nice family dinner. Something I haven’t had in a very long time. I want to relish that. I also want to go home with Carter and get him naked as quickly as I can.

“Stay with me tonight,” Carter says. I open the car door for him, pressing my body close to his before he gets in.

I shake my head, and just as the disappointment fills his features, tell him. “You’re staying with me tonight.”

Chapter twenty-four

“We still haven’t talked about that night.” Davey says, as we walk into his apartment. His tone is serious. Too serious.

“Do we need to? Is there something we need to discuss?” I’m not in the mood for chitchat. I want him naked and now. I tug him toward me by grabbing a handful of ass.

“Do you remember it?”

Releasing my grip, I look at Davey and instantly realize what he means. I smile slightly. “I’d love to tell you it is crystal clear, seared into my memory, but it’s not. Parts of it… lots of it actually is fuzzy… as is way too much of my life, to be honest. But that night, not being able to recall it the way I wanted to… that night nearly sobered me up.”

Davey’s eyes widen. The honesty is probably shocking to him. It is to me. But being honest with him comes so easily now. It also means I’m being honest with myself and damn that feels good.

“I was sober for almost two years after that night. Then dad got sick, and some shit happened with the firm I was working for. I met a man who enabled me to revert to my old ways and… well, here we are.”

“But where we are is you here and sober.”

“Yes,” I grin. “And wearing way too many clothes.”

I let my eyes stroke across his face and that gold-streaked hair that I would swear was done in a salon if I didn’t know it’s looked like this his entire life. A memory of that night suddenly flooded my veins. “I do remember some things, with startling clarity.”

“What things?” He steps closer.

“I remember the way your hair felt in my fingers, how damn soft it was.” I reach up and run my fingers through it. He lets out a soft moan.

“I remember that,” I add. “The way you sounded, how intoxicating making you groan was.”

My hand drifts across his face, across that short beard. I sweep a finger across his lips and he kisses it. I smile, recalling how he said I needed to earn those lips, and I’m oh so damn glad that I did. They are more than worth it. He is more than worth it. We are more than worth it.

I tug him into me and ghost my lips across his, then grinning before spinning him around. I yank his shirt out from his pants, reaching around and unfastening his belt. None of it is happening fast enough. I press my lips to his neck. He moans again as I flip the belt open and undo his pants. I slide my hand into them and press my palm against his very alert cock before dispensing with the pants and the briefs.

Pressing my other palm against his waist, I slow down. The smooth skin so hot against my hand calms me. Lord, I remember this. I’ve had dreams about this.

“I remember the slope of your back and hip under my palm, your smooth skin down to that sweet ass. God, I remember that feeling so well,” I tell him.

Davey answers with another soft moan as I slide my hand along that firm ass and then back across to dip down to the apex of his thighs. I reach for his balls, and he leans back into me hard, begging for more, granting me whatever access I desire. I want it all. I let his balls fall heavily into my hand and trail a finger along his taint seeking…

His hips buck as my finger teases his hole, and he lets out a long, low hiss. That. That’s what I was seeking. I slip my finger in and add another without hesitation.

He lets out a low curse, and I press my body tighter to his, biting his neck as I move my hand to give my fingers better access.

“You like this, don’t you? Me in charge, leading the way.”

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