Page 43 of All About Trust

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I shake my head. It’s not something I talk about. Certainly not here. Not tonight. But that can of worms has been opened and I know Carter is going to want to hear it. For the first time, I think I might be okay with that. Sharing my life and the things that cause me pain. As well as the things that bring me joy. Yep, that screams relationship, doesn’t it?

I retreat to the kitchen, and Carter is right behind me. He places a small touch to my back as he steps around me. He looks around the kitchen and at the island, which is loaded with appetizers, and a cheese tray and soda and water. Not a drop of alcohol in sight.

“Levi, you can open a bottle of wine. You don’t have to not serve alcohol in your own house because of me.” Carter says.

“It’s not because of you, Carter. It’s for you. There’s a difference.”

I roll my eyes. Dammit, the man even knows how to say the right thing to my boyfriend. My boyfriend. Wow, that pops into my head way too easily, but as with everything Carter related right now, it feels oh-so-right.

“Besides, I don’t need alcohol to enjoy your company,” Levi eyes me, coming closer to the island between us. “This one’s on the other hand…”

I shake my head at him again. “You are such an ass.”

He smiles and winks at me. Then he turns to join Brady on the patio, leaving Carter and I in the kitchen, watching his beautiful ass walk away.

“What is it with you two?” Carter asks.

I just shake my head, not really sure how to explain, unsure if there really is anything to explain. Levi had swooped into town, stolen Devyn’s heart and thus my cover story. Then the menage happened. He never seemed to give me a passing thought. And that bugged me. And I’m not sure why.

Is it that the two people closest to me are head over heels about him and yet we don’t seem to have a bond? Or is it that he is sexy as fuck, intimidatingly so? I’ve always felt protective of Devyn and Brady. Ironically enough, I think it was when Levi didn’t bow to my bullshit and stood up for his feelings for Brady, just the way I had my feelings for Carter this morning. That’s when my respect for him blossomed.

I let what he had just said to Carter sink in and think about everything he has done for Carter. The work they have done together. They are a good team.

I turn to Carter, and find him scowling at me. “Do you not approve of them together?”

This is not a discussion we’ve had yet. We haven’t needed to. But Carter’s sudden concern is halting. His question is an accusation. Like our relationship, our future depends on my answer.

“What? Of course I do,” I snap back afraid if I don’t answer quickly enough, his opinion of me, or being with me, will change.

He lets out a little sigh.

“What’s your opinion of them together?” I ask. “It had to be a bit of a surprise.”

Carter concedes “It seems to work for them. I knew something was up at Dad’s funeral. I thought it was all about her.”

“It is,” I smile.

“True,” Carter laughs. “But I don’t doubt Levi’s love for Brady one bit. He’s a good man. He’s been very good to me.”

I nod and look at Carter again. “He has.” I slide my hand over until my knuckles sweep against his, then let my fingers weave with his. Our fingers twist tightly together, and he smiles, still looking out toward the living room at the people we love and who love us. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt safer in my life.

“I want what they have,” Carter blurts out.

“A woman? Devyn?”

At least he laughs. “No dumbass,” he says with a hard squeeze to my hand.

I still have no idea what he means, though. Across the room I see Brady sweep a hand across Levi’s back, then trail his fingers across Levi’s as he makes his way back out towards the patio.

Levi’s fingers make the slightest twitch to welcome and acknowledge the touch.

“That bond,” Carter say. “Those tiny touches, the ones they think nobody sees. The ones that say I’m right here… I’ve got you.”

Instinctively, I deny him exactly what he just said he wants. I take my hand away. Affection doesn’t come easily to me. Public affection is even more difficult. Fuck, I think.

But his hand is gone when I reach for it again and then he is too.

Chapter twenty-three

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