Page 21 of All About Trust

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I pulled into the lot this morning without instantly looking for Carter’s car. Not instantly, anyway. I did look.

The distraction of talking to Levi prevented the disappointment that I didn’t see that pale green Bronco from settling in.

That’s the kicker now, isn’t it? The overriding feeling had been one of disappointment. Disappointment that he wasn’t here yet. Disappointment, not relief. Not relief that I would not have to fight my anger. Not relief that I would not have to check the hallway before I walk down it.

The anger has subsided—the anger at him, anyway. There is still plenty of anger at myself swirling inside of me. But when I watch Carter walk away from me, I just feel disappointed. A slight sting hits my gut that he didn’t look my way. That he didn’t notice me. That he avoided me.

Is this what he means when he says we can do this? Is this what we are going to do? Just be cordial. Act like acquaintances. That is probably what we should do. If this is required to keep the peace… I’ll do it. I can do it. I have to do it.

My desire to punch that gorgeous face and knock those tortoise shell glasses off that long narrow nose, that particular desire is waning. Hell, it’s pretty much non-existent. Nope. Instead, I want to see that smile up close. I want to see the sparkle in those light brown eyes. I want to inhale his scent at the start of my day.

I quickly try to invent a reason to go across the street and check on things. I don’t need a reason. Curiosity is enough. I’m a senior member of this staff. I should know what is going on everywhere.

Chapter twelve

Ten days.

That’s how long it’s been since that snowy drive home.

Ten days since I raced up to my hotel room and barely got inside before I unzipped my jeans, wrapped my hand around my cock, leaned my forehead against the wall and groaned as I emptied myself into my hand with visions of Davey’s face filling my head.

We’ve managed more than a week without seeing each other. I’ve seen his car in the parking lot once, but not him. I haven’t even tried to avoid him. Has he been attempting to steer clear of me?

He disappeared for a short scouting trip and joined the team on the 4-day road trip. I know all of this because I asked Devyn. I asked her who was traveling.

“Just in case something comes up and I need to reach someone.” It was the lamest excuse ever, and yet the only one I could come up with. I don’t know what she knows about Davey and me, our history, our current situation. She and Davey are close. Besides, Levi knows everything…as does Brady now.

That Davey’s plans were the first ones she told me about and that they included his travels prior to the away games let me know she has talked to him, and that she is on to us.

“You have his number, right?” She asked.

I smirked at her and didn’t make any additional inquiries. She really is like the big sister I never wanted!

My heart leaped at seeing Davis in the parking lot just now. I’m not supposed to react that way. I shouldn’t be reacting in any way if we are going to carry on and just coexist.

Coexist. I’m starting to hate that word.

I wipe my finger aggressively with a small rag I found in my car and stare down at my initials in the wet cement near the entrance to the facility. It’s doubtful anyone will ever notice this but me.

“Do you sign all of your work?”

And apparently, now, Davis. I sigh and look at him. His long camel-colored coat matches his skin perfectly. He has a cream turtleneck underneath, black pants and boots. He removes his sunglasses and sticks them in his pocket, then runs a hand through those sun-kissed locks of his. I can’t really decipher his expression, but there is no anger in it.

“Just the ones I feel represent me the most,” I say. “Although this is really Levi’s vision.”

“A vision he searched the entire region to bring to life. It took you to do it,” Davis says.

I think there is a compliment in there somewhere.

“I’m really impressed,” he adds.

No mistaking that. That is a full-on compliment.

“Didn’t think I could pull it off?” I snap, instantly regretting it. His face falls in defeat. He had paid me a compliment and made a peace offering with three simple words, and my instinct was to shoot him down. On the defensive, always prepared for the worst from him. I was the one who said we could do this, and here he is making the effort. Hadn’t I just been standing here thinking about how much I miss him? How happy I was to see him even though I had not acknowledged him at all when I pulled into the parking lot and saw him talking to Levi.

I had seen them when I pulled in, but the cement truck had given me the excuse to park farther away. Far enough away that my excitement at his return wouldn’t be revealed. I did not mean to snap at him. Fighting with him is the furthest thing from what I want. But what I really want is as bad as fighting. What I really want is to spear my fingers into those golden locks and crush my lips to his. And we can’t go there…can we?

“Davey… I’m sorry.” I shake my head, not sure what to say, how to justify my response. “Thank you,” I finally manage. “I appreciate that.”

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