Page 3 of Forbiddenly Yours

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I looked over my shoulder. “The pool is a little crowded for swimming laps, don’t you think?”

He chuckled. “I have another pool to show you. Follow me.”

Of course, he did. I followed him inside and up the stairs. There was a room at the far end, and when we got inside of it, I realized it was his bedroom. My nerves started to get the better of me, and I honestly started to berate myself over what I had been thinking. I hadn’t, which was the problem. I handed him my purse and the offending material he’d mentioned. As I tried to formulate an excuse as to why I had to leave, he dropped the stuff onto his bed, then took my hand.

There was a jolt of electricity when we touched, and I was certain he felt it, too. He led me back out of his bedroom, and I could finally release the breath I’d been holding. He then opened the door next to his, and I peered through it.

“Where does this lead?”

“I have a smaller pool on the rooftop.”

“Oh,” I said once again, sure I should leave, but he’d been a perfect gentleman to this point, so I had no reason not to trust him. The two of us had been through something together, our individual journeys bonding us through that whole experience. He was very non-threatening then, and I had no reason to fear him now. “Wow,” I said, once we made it out onto the rooftop.

The one pool had been impressive enough, and while this one was smaller in size, the view was even more amazing. It helped settle my nerves, as did the four people currently in the water. It was not nearly as many as the one downstairs, so I relaxed even more. He guided me over to the steps and I slowly descended them. The water itself was either heated via the sun, or some artificial means, but it was warm and not cold at all. I moved all the way into the center, then ducked down to submerge my entire body. When I rose, I saw him intently watching me, and I had nearly forgotten about the others until one of the guys asked him for a beer.

Callum took his eyes off of me, grabbed a bottle from the cooler, then handed it to one of the guys at the other end of the pool before he jumped in, landing right beside me. Water splashed up on me, but it felt good. The hand that wrapped around me and pulled me close felt even better, though. I leaned back against him and stood motionless as his mouth glided over my wet shoulder.

“Just relax, Nicole,” he told me when he realized how tense I was. “Nothing’s going to happen that you don’t want. If you need me to stop doing anything, or even to leave, then all you have to do is tell me.”

“O-okay,” I stammered as his mouth moved back and forth over the same spot.

I closed my eyes and allowed him to fully encompass me in his embrace. His mouth was persistent, his firm lips nearly making me moan. He held me against him with one arm, then took his free hand and I gasped as he cupped one of my breasts. Back in Los Angeles, I casually dated, but most of those occurrences rarely involved this much touching, and they were with guys I knew better than this man.

All I knew about Callum was that he lived in Chicago and went to school there. He also was ruggedly handsome and had a wicked mouth. I finally let out a mewling whimper as his thumb brushed back and forth over my nipple and he softly suckled on my throat.

I dropped my head partly to the side to allow him more access, and he took it. His hand grew more insistent, and his mouth did as well. He kissed, licked, and nibbled my neck and shoulder before he dropped his hand lower. I knew where it was headed and I was powerless to stop him. His palm skated down my flat belly and when he dipped two fingers into the waistband of my bikini bottoms, I sucked in a breath.

He didn’t move them lower, even though I was preparing myself for it. I wasn’t disappointed, however, because he kissed his way to my ear, then sucked the lobe into his mouth. My breath came out in a sharp exhale.

“Callum,” I whispered.

“You’re so fucking sexy,” he told me, his raspy voice causing me to break out in goosebumps. Or, maybe it was the way his hand dipped even lower. I trembled slightly as he ran one long digit between my slit, and slowly parted it. He added another finger and a small voice in my head screamed for me to slow this down, but he then began to rub my clit, and all thoughts of resistance disappeared. He didn’t linger there as much as I hoped he would, because he dragged his fingers lower. His warm breath was still in my ear, and when he thrust his two fingers into me, I tensed up immediately. “Your pussy’s so hot that it’s scalding my fingers,” he whispered. Another tremble afflicted me, and I grabbed his arm and dug my nails into it to stay upright. “You’re also so fucking tight. My cock is going to split you wide open.”

“C-Callum, I—”

Before I could either protest or plead to him, he seized my mouth with his, and the way his lips moved hungrily over mine, everything was forgotten. I didn’t care about the others in the pool, so I certainly didn’t care about the fact that I barely knew this man and was standing there letting him finger me to an orgasm. My climax was just out of my grasp, and the longer I hovered on the edge, the more I realized that I needed this.

He thrust his tongue into my mouth, and it mimicked a lot of what was happening between my legs. Fuck, I was so far out of my league when it came to his sexual prowess, but it didn’t even matter. His fingers continued to torment me as his tongue teased, and when he pulled his head back, I had to suck oxygen back into my lungs. Nearly breathless from his kiss, I was so disoriented. When his fingers reached their mark, I shattered for him.

“Callum,” I cried out as he stroked me through the series of aftershocks. His strong arm was holding me upright and I didn’t have to see his face to know he was smirking.

“God, I need to be inside of you,” he told me.

Again, I should’ve used this as a moment of clarity and stopped what we were doing, but call it post-orgasmic haze or something else, because instead of saying ‘no’ or asking him to stop, all I could whimper was the opposite. “Please.”

Everything else happened in a blur, and I went from the pool to his bedroom. He was now sitting on the bed and motioning for me to come closer. My legs shook somewhat embarrassingly, but I moved to do his bidding. When in front of him, he leaned forward and pressed his forehead to my belly. I could feel his warm breath on my skin, and I wanted to feel the rest of his body all over me, too. I was actually about to force the issue. I had come this far, I might as well give in completely. Before I could, however, he started to kiss his way across my lower belly, just above the waistband of my bikini bottoms.

Callum turned my body slightly to the left, then he snagged the string to the bottoms with his teeth and gave it a sharp tug. It unraveled and his fingers did the same on the other side. Just like that, the only barrier between us fell to the floor. I was now standing mostly naked in front of him and the nerves started to kick in. As if he knew where my thoughts were turning, he grabbed one of my legs which distracted me completely.

He lifted it and soon my foot was resting on the bed beside him. I was now fully open to his gaze and when he ran one of his long fingers back through my slit, I closed my eyes. He didn’t finger me right now as he had when in the pool. Instead, he leaned in and I flinched at the feel of his tongue. He licked me from entrance to clit, and back, before thrusting it into me.


My other leg was about to give out, but I stood there nonetheless. With nothing else to grab onto, I gripped his head with my hands, and continued to whimper as he fucked me with his tongue. I’d never been so wantonly promiscuous before. I was normally the voice of reason and did everything with logic. That was all tossed aside because there was no way to explain how I met a man during a drug-induced experience, then later allowed him to fuck me in the way that he was.

“You taste so damn good,” he told me, as he slightly raised his head before lowering it once more. I shivered at the feel of his bearded chin as it grazed my soft flesh. As he attacked my clit, he thrust two fingers back inside of me and it wasn’t long before I came again.

The only sounds in the room outside of my heavy breathing were the wet noises as he lapped and ate at my damp flesh. I was drenched, mainly from the two orgasms, and when he finally raised his head. I looked down and my step faltered as I saw his glistening chin.

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