Page 26 of Forbiddenly Yours

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I didn’t mind him being here because this was his place after all. He was gracious enough to let me stay here. Not sure if this was a visit or overnight stay, I realized it didn’t matter because the condo had multiple bedrooms, all of which Callum had helped me christen at one point or another. Now, I was the one to flash a guilty smile when I released him from my hug.

“We’re only in Chicago for a night. Kenzie was interviewing an executive chef for the Lake Pointe Grille.”

I knew she was a very successful chef herself, and owned multiple restaurants across the country. She’d cooked for us more than once, and each time, it’d been phenomenal. Kenzie was not only talented in the kitchen, but she was beautiful and still so much in love with her husband. I wasn’t blind, or naïve, to the type of men that both my father and uncle used to be, but seeing them so much in love with their wives gave me hope that one day I could also have a healthy relationship. Never having thought about getting involved with a Titan, current circumstances made it a possibility. What kind of life would it be? I knew the answer already. It would be one where I wouldn’t need to sneak around, or alter my appearance just to see my man in public.

“Why don’t you sit down and tell us about your classes.” I didn’t want to think about Callum, but that didn’t matter because Jonas appeared genuinely interested in my schooling. While he had been on my side about leaving Stanford for UChicago, I knew he would’ve also preferred for me to have stayed in California at his alma mater. My father certainly had, even despite my mother’s wishes for privacy.

I started to discuss all of my classes, leaving my Senior Lit one for last. When I got to it, I knew I had to at least mention him, or else it would draw suspicion. “My professor for that course is actually a Titan, too. Maybe you know him.”

“A Titan, huh? What’s his name?”


“Callum Meyers,” he said, finishing before me. “He’s bad news.”

“Bad news?” I knew Callum had a certain reputation because I’d looked him up once or twice online, but I’d never seen anything about him getting in any kind of legal or criminal trouble. A sinking pit of dread settled into my stomach and I tried my best to remain nonchalant.

“Stop scaring her, Jonas. Nicole’s face is as white as a sheet,” Kenzie told him.

“Not bad news like that,” he told me before adding, “He just has a certain reputation amongst the ladies.”

“Like you used to have?” I asked. Kenzie let out a giggle and at his growl, she nodded in agreement at me.

I’d been hoping that the rumors were over exaggerated, but seeing the seriousness on my uncle’s face told me otherwise. He patted the seat on the other side of him, so I got out of the chair and moved over to him as asked. For several minutes, he gave me a long rundown on not only Callum, but other friends of his. I’d heard of them as well since being in Chicago. Everyone here knew about them, just as everyone in Los Angeles knew about my father, brother, and all the others there. I was pretty sure it was the same in New York City.

Jonas was very concerned about me getting mixed up with any of them. I tried to brush it off, but he must have seen something because he kept coming back to Callum. My lover was cousins with one of his best friends, and when the Manhattan Titans settled down, a younger set picked up where they’d left off. I knew he was madly in love with Kenzie, so it wasn’t jealousy or regret causing his concern.

“I haven’t met any of the Titans here, outside of Callum, but he is my teacher so there’s nothing to worry about there.”

“See!” Kenzie always seemed to take my side, and I loved her for it. “Nicole’s a good girl, Jonas. She, of all people, would know how to handle herself around Titans. I’m sure Callum is the consummate professional in class.”

If only Kenzie knew about how Callum had taken me in his office during his free period, as well as the text messages he sometimes sent me during class. There was also the conversations we had when he was here alone with me. I was always a terrible liar, and my uncle narrowed his eyes at me.

“I’ve always been a good girl.”

Jonas still didn’t seem convinced, and he had good reason. When Kenzie had told me I was good, my lover would tell me something similar at night when he was deep inside of me.

“I’m not interested in guys right now, Jonas.” I threw it out there since I had zero poker face to speak of. “I’ve told you that I’m taking this opportunity seriously. There’s nothing more that I want than to come to work for you at Courtland Hospitality Group.” That wasn’t a lie. It was what brought me to Chicago, and it was what kept me here.

“Maybe Lo was right,” he said, still not convinced. Had he seen the way my eyes lit up at the mere mention of Callum’s name? Or had he seen the way my face would redden when I thought about him, especially during sex?

“He wasn’t,” I told him, now almost ready to plead to be allowed to stay. My excitement over his impromptu visit was quickly souring. “Besides, Mama doesn’t want me to be there while she goes through chemotherapy.”

“How is she?” Kenzie asked, and thankful for the change of topic, I told them both about how pale she looked over the weekend when I flew back to California for a day or two.

My concern was genuine for her. She had the classic symptoms, and despite her assurances that chemo was going well, I couldn’t help but wonder if that wasn’t something she just told me to placate me. As strong as Isabella was, she was also prideful. It wouldn’t take a rocket scientist, or in this case, a medical oncologist, to know that she wasn’t doing quite as well as she proclaimed. It was scary, especially since I felt out of the loop.

I’d asked Nicolai to check on her a few times for me, but he hadn’t reported anything out of the ordinary. In hindsight, I should’ve stayed at Stanford where I could stop by and visit her a lot easier than I could from here.

From the weight loss, difficulty breathing, and overall general malaise, I was scared which I relayed to my aunt and uncle. Kenzie was such an angel, and she quickly moved over and enveloped me in a tight hug. When she pulled back, Jonas drew me in close to him and kissed the top of my forehead.

“I’ll call Lo later and see what I can find out about her for you. I’m sure Isabella just doesn’t want to worry you unnecessarily, or burden you with what are probably typical side effects. If there’s anything to be concerned with, you know I’ll tell you.”

And that I knew was right. I didn’t know all the details, but evidently back in high school, Jonas had gotten Kenzie pregnant. He didn’t know about it, and she’d given their child to her sister to raise. I’m sure they wanted to keep it a secret, but every time we saw Tori, it was obvious that she was related to my uncle, and not just because of their hair color. In fact, she’d be driving soon if I remembered her age correctly. I almost asked them about her, but I didn’t want to put either on the spot.

“I hope your mother’s condition is the only thing putting that frown on your face, kiddo.”

The well-planned diversion didn’t last long. “It is,” I answered, knowing a partial lie was still a lie.

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