Page 24 of Forbiddenly Yours

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Callum sheathed his cock in the latex, then hiked the dress completely up. He lifted me from the floor and seconds later, I was impaled on his cock. “I’m probably going to hell for what I’m doing to you, but if it feels this hot, and this tight, it’ll make my eternal damnation worth it,” he told me before he started to drive into me.

“Callum,” I cried out when he buried his head between my neck and shoulder. I would wear his bite marks on me, and I was sure the bricks scratching my bare back would leave their mark as well.

Callum fucked me like a man possessed, and I could do nothing more than cling to him. My head lolled from one side to the other as he drove deeper and harder into me until I couldn’t hold back any longer. He sensed my impending orgasm and fused his lips to mine at the exact moment that I shattered. He continued to show no mercy and it wasn’t long before I was coming again. This time, he pulled his head back and growled loudly as his own climax came crashing down on him. I clutched him, both with my arms and legs, as well as my pussy as he came. Hard shudders wracked my body when he finally stilled but stayed inside of me, then I finally took a deep breath.

“You’re so fucking incredible,” he told me as he peppered kisses across my chin, jaw, and cheeks.

His tongue lapped at my swollen lips, and I drew him closer. His cock was still inside of me, and I reveled in the small twitches as I took over the kiss, this time thrusting my tongue into his mouth. I had no idea how long we stood there, but a slight noise had us both stiffening. We immediately looked to the door but saw nothing but darkness through the large pane of glass.

“We should probably get back to the party. If you want to go ahead and leave, I’ll make a few appearances, then follow behind you,” he told me.

I knew it was important for him to be photographed so I simply nodded. Moments later, I was back on my feet with my cum dripping down my thighs. He let me go first, so I forced my legs to move. I was a bit wobbly on them, but I was finally able to make it back out to the party. I exited the makeshift club and was glad to see a few taxicabs lined up. Rushing to one, I got in.

A half hour later, I was back at my place. I removed the dress, wig, and mask, then turned to the side to see my back. There was no question as to how I got those marks, and I honestly didn’t care. I decided to shower quickly and by the time I got out and wrapped a towel around me, there was a knock on the door. I no sooner opened it and my towel ended up on the floor as I was back in Callum’s arms.


“Callum Meyers was seen sneaking away with an unidentified female on a night of mystery. Who could this woman be?” was what the lifestyle editor had issued in her newest blog post. Many other Titans were at the same party, but she’d chosen to focus on me.

I’d been livid when I saw it, and the photograph she attached to her page. Thankfully, you couldn’t tell who Nicole was. The tattoos were a stroke of genius. The blonde wig had been, too. Since only the back of her head was seen as we escaped into the hallway, my nerves started to settle. We’d dodged a very big bullet, and one that would’ve never had to have been had I not invited her to the event.

Everything seemed much easier in hindsight. The truth was that I was falling hard for this girl, and it honestly scared me. My mind would remind me that what we were doing was wrong, but my body did no such thing. I ached for her, physically, when she wasn’t around. If I didn’t find a way to control myself, I could even become obsessed with her. I’d then also tell myself that there was more than our teacher/student relationship interfering in our love life. Her uncle would absolutely kill me, and that was if her father didn’t first.

The one and only Logan Courtland called me just a day after the masquerade ball. For a moment, I thought he’d seen the blogs, and recognized his own daughter, but he hadn’t. Or at least, he hadn’t let on that he did. His call was for the same reason, though. After grilling me about my Titan status, and if the things he had heard about me were true, he basically warned me off of his daughter.

“Nicole is in a delicate frame of mind right now. Not only as her teacher but also as a Titan, I expect you to watch over her as much as you can.”

“She’s an adult I see for an hour each morning, five days a week,” I’d told him, making sure to not give anything away.

“She brought a boy home—”

“She did?” I’d asked, then caught myself before growling. Nicole had told me nothing about traveling back home with anyone.

“His name is Trevor, or—”

“Travis. Travis Harrison,” I’d answered.

“Yes, that’s the one. I’m not sure yet whether I like him or not, but his intentions toward her seem valid. This is my baby girl, and I didn’t want to let her attend school so far away to begin with. Please try and keep an eye out for her when possible because I don’t want to get a phone call from someone telling me something has happened to her.”

“I’ll do my best,” I’d promised, then swallowed a mouthful of bile when the call disconnected.

Since I’d never even entertained the possibility of starting a relationship with any of the women in my past, this sense of jealousy was a foreign emotion. I didn’t like it one bit, so when class began and everyone started to file in, I kept my eyes peeled on the door for her. It wasn’t long after when she stepped through. Nicole glanced over at me, and her smile seemed nervous. Travis followed behind her, and I let my disgust be known through my expression.

The two of them were getting way too fucking close for my liking, and as the bell rang, I realized there was nothing I could do about it. Unless I could claim her as mine, Nicole was free to do whatever she wanted. I was, too. Unfortunately, all I wanted to do was her. I stood up, then went to close the door. When I returned to the class, most already had their novel and notebook out. Today, I wanted to go over something that made me feel even more like a hypocrite than I already felt. Pushing that thought away, I took my place in front of the podium, leaning against the heavy wood.

“This week, we’re going to delve further into the morality of the tale. As we know—”

“It’s more immorality,” Travis blurted out, and I leveled him with a glare.

“Yes, it is. This book is full of immoral acts, from lying and cheating all the way to murder,” I said, making sure to look over at Nicole as she sat beside my now nemesis.

Nicole had essentially cheated on me, or at the very least, she’d broken our set agreement. “She brought a boy home,” her father had told me, and it hadn’t been just anyone. It was him.

Her dark gaze snagged mine, and I could see the guilt reflected in it. Once or twice, she looked as if she wanted to say something, but she stayed unusually quiet. Our bantering had almost become some sort of twisted foreplay between us when in class. To see her silent today was a huge difference from how she was any other day.

“The characters in the book accepted such acts as being normal,” Gregory said, then Rose added her thoughts.

“And no one ever seems to answer for those immoral acts. It’s part of what’s wrong with the justice system today. The richer you are, the bolder one becomes.”

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