Page 60 of Deceptively Yours

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“I’m ready,” I told him, and he shook his head. “What do you mean?”

“You’re missing one thing.”

“I am?”

“Turn,” he told me, not only with his words but his hands. I obliged, and when he handed me a long box, I held it in my hands.

Gabriel opened it and I gasped at the jeweled choker. He kissed along my neck moments before he put the cold metal around it. I was holding my breath as he fastened it. This was very ‘Pretty Womanesque’ and I nearly swooned. It was one of my favorite movies, and one he had walked in and saw Charlie and me watching a few nights earlier.

I’d since read rumors about a possible remake of the classic chick flick, and that they’d already had their sights on the stars. Anton Kingston was a walking wet dream, and no girl I knew hadn’t fantasized about him once or twice, and the lead actress they wanted was Allison Porter. She was relatively new on the Hollywood scene, but after several smaller films and television guest spots, she was primed for a breakout role and others thought this could be the one.

I knew I’d be there opening night to see it if it ever came to fruition. I didn’t really need fantasy, however, because I had the love of my own dashing hero. Spinning out of his grasp once he was done, I moved to the wall mirror and touched the delicate jewels.

“Oh my God, Gabriel. It’s beautiful.”

“You’re beautiful,” he told me, then added, “It was my mother’s. She adored it, just like she did you. I know she’d want you to have it.”

“I loved her, too. Your entire family was an extension of mine, and I’m so thankful for all of the years I got to have with them.”

I took the hand he extended. We left the penthouse and once in the elevator, he pulled me against him. He was hard against my ass, and when his hand drifted up my bare thigh, I shivered. Goosebumps rose on my flesh, and I let out a moan when he leaned in to kiss my ear. That was all we had time to do because the elevator reached the ground floor.

From there, he ushered me straight out to the limo. The air was brisk against my skin and I inwardly cursed my decision to not wear any sort of covering over my dress until I slid into the warmth of the vehicle. I knew the red carpet at the venue was inside the lobby of Jonas Courtland’s massive hotel, so I wouldn’t have to brave the cold much longer.

It would soon be spring, which after autumn, was my second favorite season. I couldn’t wait for the bloom of flowers, the warmer temperatures, and color that would be infused into the city. Winter was pretty for the first snow or two, but after months of it, the appeal wore off and I would be happy to see grass instead of gray slush.

“Here,” Gabriel told me, and I saw the glass of champagne.

I took it from him, and as he went to bring his glass to his lips, I cleared my throat. “Stop. We need to toast first.”

His eyes slid from my face down to my chest. This dress bunched loosely at the very top, and there was a full view of my cleavage. “I suddenly have a few things to cheer about,” he teased, and I blushed.

“Keep your mind out of the gutter, Mr. Blake,” I teased back. “How about we just toast to our first event as a couple.”

“I can also toast to that,” he said before clicking my glass. We both took the customary sip, but that was all I was able to do before he drew my face close. “This is going to be the first of many.”


I knew how nervous Harper was to attend one of these. After all, we’d only attended a few with our parents over the years, and the attention had naturally been on them. By the time others started to take notice of ones our age, she was in Portland. She’d been there over the years, too. I had taken more dates than I could count or name to events such as this, but I’d never been more excited about any of them as I was about her. We were supposed to have been together, and now we finally were.

We finished our flute of champagne and when we arrived at the CHG property, there were already a gaggle of photographers everywhere. If there were this many of them outside in the cold, I could only imagine how many had packed themselves inside along the red carpet. I wasn’t worried about myself, but I hoped Harper wouldn’t get overwhelmed with the attention.

It was time to find out as the limo pulled up along the curb. It’d barely came to a complete stop when the door was thrust open. I exited the vehicle first to allow Harper a few more seconds of privacy. The camera bulbs went off, and I made sure to smile for the photographers as I’d always done. Once a few of the them got their shot, I turned and helped my gorgeous date out of the limo.

Harper stood beside me, and I could see her wave to a few of the cameramen, all while keeping a radiant smile on her face. She was clutching my hand, but outside of that, I couldn’t even tell how nervous she was. The impression she gave off was that of other famous dates I’d had in the past. They all lived for the media circus these events usually attracted. It was as if Harper knew this was where she belonged. And it was.

I gave her hand a slight squeeze, then we rushed into the lobby out of the cold winter air. There’d been no snow in over a week, but the lake-effect breeze was no joke, especially this time of year. Once we were in the warm confines of the luxury hotel, I slowed my steps.

“Gabriel Blake... Gabriel Blake...” I was used to hearing my name called often, and when I recognized a local reporter, I led Harper over to him.

“Look at who just arrived,” Roberto Cruz exclaimed as he reached out to shake my hand. “It feels like a decade hasn’t even passed. I’m joined on the red carpet by Rushton Academy’s very own Junior Homecoming Prince and Princess... Gabriel Blake and Harper Grimes.”

“Hello,” she said, immediately extending her own hand. “I’m so happy to be back in Chicago, and here for such a worthy cause.”

“And, if my date’s happy, then I am as well.” Harper smiled as she looked up at me, and I winked before turning to answer Roberto’s next question. “The children are our future, and for many of our city’s own youth, that future looks bleak. Not only the Blake Sporting Agency, but I, myself, am thrilled to be here to lend a voice to the various non-profit organizations around the city and county that do tremendous work when it comes to our children. Many provide access to higher quality education via scholarships and grants, as well as provide numerous tools and resources to enrich and better these student’s lives.”

Tonight, I would be talking more about the creation of the Franklin and Ashley Blake education funds which would allow my parents’ names to live on while helping those very kids I just spoke about. Roberto would understand first hand what those grants and scholarships could do for our inner city because he’d been the recipient of one which allowed him to attend Rushton Academy years ago with us.

I hadn’t known how Harper would handle all the attention and potential mention of her past in society, so I had asked a few of my friends to intervene and they didn’t disappoint.

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