Page 34 of Deceptively Yours

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I kept stopping to turn and appraise my surroundings, but there was nothing outside of the gusty breeze which didn’t help the goosebumps already rising on my flesh. I kept my breath slow and steady as I turned the handle to the door and it creaked open.

After taking another glance behind me and seeing nothing, I slipped inside the building. It was morning, so the light passing through the broken windows illuminated the space enough to where I wouldn’t need to use the flashlight on my phone or keychain.

I walked through the place which was littered with tables, chairs and pieces of metal that went to some type of machinery. I’d looked up this location before I left and learned it was an old paper mill. Judging from the looks of the place, it hadn’t been used in years, and maybe even decades. The acrid scent of dust and mold filled my nose.. I was on my way back to the door when a noise alerted me. Before I could even turn, something was placed over my mouth and held there until unconsciousness claimed me.


It’d been almost a week since I had last seen or heard from Harper. I’d assumed she returned back to Portland, and I was trying my hardest to forget she’d ever shown back up here to begin with. Work kept me busy, but as Thursday afternoon wore down, I was already thinking about weekend plans. They’d have to be a hell of a lot better than the previous one.

I started to imagine drinks tonight with the guys at the Vault which was a nightclub and strip club owned by fellow Titan, Mason Steele, and a favorite hangout amongst us there in Chicago. Tomorrow, I could make up for last weekend and spend it out on the town tomorrow with Clara. Before I could decide on those for sure, I received a text message.

I looked down at the sender’s name and growled. “What the hell do you want?”

I pulled up Harper’s message and it was two words.

Help Me!

I didn’t know if this was a joke, but in case it was not, I responded.

What do you want?

It only took a few seconds before she provided an address in Englewood.

“What the hell are you doing there?” I asked aloud. Everyone knew it was one of the more dangerous areas of town. She might not live in Chicago anymore, but she had to remember how bad it was.

Please come soon.

I decided instead of playing message tag with her to just call so I hit the phone button and waited. It went immediately to voice mail. I tried once or twice more, before responding.

Why are you there?

I waited nearly five minutes and there was no response. I was about to just ignore her when she finally sent another message.

Please come now. I need you.

I followed that up with a few more messages but there was no response. I mentally debated whether to take her plea seriously, and eventually I took the bait in the off chance that something was truly wrong. I grabbed my keys and phone, then headed to my car.

A half hour later, I managed to make it to the location, but as I flung open the door, I realized I’d been too late. Harper was bound to a metal chair and gagged with God only knew what. Her beautiful face was swollen, her cheeks wet and red from the tears sliding down them. There was also slight bruising, and as infuriating as this woman was, it pissed me off to know someone had abused her.

“Harper,” I said, then started to take a few steps forward until she began furiously shaking her head from side to side. I had no idea why until a leather clad figure stepped out from the shadows behind her and pressed a gun to her temple. “Who are you?” I asked.

The person sneered, and when I took another step toward them, he reared off and struck the side of the head with the butt of the pistol. I immediately jumped back. The right side of her face was now even more swollen and I watched as a few drops of blood trickled from the open wound the gun had just made.

“Who are you?” I repeated.

I didn’t think he was going to respond at first, but he eventually did. “Jayson.”

Jayson? I didn’t know anyone by that name, nor did I understand what he hoped to accomplish by harming Harper. Granted, I didn’t know anything about her anymore, but I did know she’d been trying to warn me that someone was after me. If this was the case, this man would’ve gone after me and not her. Unless...

Had Harper been the one in trouble all this time and simply claiming it was me so I would protect her? It didn’t make any sense. Why would she come all the way from Oregon when I hated her? Or did I? Hell, I didn’t even know anymore.

“Fuck,” I cursed under my breath. She had to have assumed that our closeness before would’ve obligated me in some way. If this was what she’d been thinking, I would help get her away from whoever this man was, then I would send her far away from me.

“She makes a fetching sight, does she not?” Jayson finally said, and I narrowed my eyes.

“She’d look a hell of a lot better if you let her go. Why don’t we just handle this like men. Name your price for the girl and I’ll—”

Jayson chuckled. “I don’t want your money, Gabriel.”

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