Page 20 of Deceptively Yours

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He chuckled from behind me, and it brought a host of emotions back to the surface. Ever since we’d crossed paths again as adults, it had been contentious at best. It was never like that before. When we were children, and later teenagers, his boyish charm and easygoing demeanor had been there. Now, he was bitter and resentful, although I couldn’t blame him considering my part in all of it.

The shame was all mine, and my secrets were something I could never reveal to him. I had broken him, in more ways than one, and to find out it had all been for a lie would kill Gabriel. Saving his life was the only reason I was even back in Chicago.

He continued to laugh, and I spun around, leveling him with one of the same looks I used to give him when we were younger. I saw the flare of remembrance in his gaze until he blinked and replaced it with a bored expression.

“You damn sure didn’t need any help.” I shook my head because my worst fear since agreeing to this match had been imagined. “I want it noted for the record that you didn’t play fair.”

“I didn’t play fair?” he asked, feigning innocence we both knew he didn’t possess. “You’re the one not playing fair.”

“What the hell are you talking about, Gabe?”

He closed the distance between us and slid his finger under one of the spaghetti straps of my shirt. “You wearing this is foul play.”

His finger lingered there, and I savored the feel of even the smallest touch from him. When we’d been young and so in love, I would often picture a night together like this and actually believed it would come true.

Never had I imagined my world would be rocked so far off of its axis and everything end in the blink of an eye. The death of my parents and my relocation to Oregon had shattered all security and robbed me of the most beautiful love I had ever known.

“It’s not as if I have many things with me to wear. Would you have preferred that I played in my dirty jeans?”

“I would’ve preferred for you to stay wherever the hell you came from, but that is neither here nor there. Just go ahead and take your final shot. I will even let you go ahead of me.”

I almost asked why he was being so nice about that, but maybe it was a compromise. Deciding I still had one final shot, I lined up the cue and seconds later, I watched as the black ball went straight past my last solid and into the corner pocket. I had lost. It was all over. Or maybe not...

Tears sprang to my eyes, but when Gabriel came up behind me and pressed me against the pool table, that ember of hope from earlier sparked once more.

There were no words said as he reached around me and covered both of my breasts with his large hands. I had dreamed of this moment for so long. I had always fantasized that we’d find our way back to one another so I could be with him again.

Back in our youth, his touch had been a bit clumsier, but not now. He was flicking my hardened tips with his fingers, so methodically, that I couldn’t have stopped myself from moaning had I even tried.

“Gabe,” I whispered

Back in Portland, I would lay there and pretend the hands on me were those of my love. This boy had turned into a man, but the fantasy was all the same. He lowered his head and kissed his way from one shoulder to the other, and when he lingered on my neck, my entire body trembled. He wasn’t saying much, or anything, really. He didn’t need to.

His hands continued to arouse me while his mouth weakened me. I turned my head as far to the side as I could, then our eyes met. There was a flame burning in the dark depths of his. I wanted, no, needed, to be burned by him. I opened my mouth to plead, but he suddenly fused his lips to mine and all words were forgotten.

The kiss took me by complete surprise, and it was even better than I could’ve ever imagined. My thoughts turned briefly as I wondered where he had gained all this experience, but I pushed them away because not knowing was better. I just forced myself to stay in the present, even though old habits were hard to break.

He lowered one of the straps, then the other until I was able to wriggle my arms out from under them. My breasts were now completely bared to him with not even a thin layer of cotton between us.

His touch sent jolts of electricity rushing from the tips of my nipples straight to my clit. I was already wet for Gabriel, and I knew the moment he touched me down there that he’d know. He didn’t make me wait long because as he rolled one of my nipples roughly between his fingers, his other hand slid down my stomach.

I pushed my lower body away from the table as much as I could, but it was hard to move the wall of muscle he was. The attempt was enough to allow him to slip his hand between us. I more felt than heard his growl against my mouth when his fingers slipped inside my thong.

God! The very thing I wished so much for was actually happening. All of the misfortune I had endured the last ten years had led me back to the only boy I had ever loved. When we were ripped from each other’s arms, it created an emptiness no one, and nothing, could fill. Now, it was as if all was right with the world once again.

“Please,” I cried out the moment his mouth slipped from mine. Seconds later, I got my response when he tore the flimsy thong off of me.

Gabriel raised one of my legs so my knee could rest atop the edge of the pool table. “Be still and don’t move,” he instructed, and I willed myself to follow his command.

It seemed to be working even when he hauled off and slapped the side of one ass cheek. The burn he delivered was one I craved without even knowing it. He struck me two or three more times before kneeling down behind me. Seconds later, the fiery ache morphed into a warmth that quickly spread through me. He used two fingers to part my slit, and the second he ran his tongue between it, I whimpered.

“Gabe,” I cried out when he latched onto my clit.

I ached for him, literally, and not just now. I had for years. Had there been other sexual partners? Yes, but very little pleasure, if any, had been derived from them. In just a few minutes, Gabriel had me ready to come.

I was perilously close to doing that, especially when he slipped two fingers inside of me. It had been over a year since I’d felt a man’s touch, but none of those past lovers could ever compare to this man.

I dug my nails into the top of the pool table as I struggled to follow his earlier demands. Before, it had been easier because we were both learning what the other liked about sex in general. Now, he was lethally skilled, and I was prepared to sacrifice any part of myself for a few seconds more.

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