Page 35 of Nevada

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Of course, like an idiot I turn around. “Yeah, Pretty Boy?”

“I’m gonna help you find your sister.”

I walk back toward him slowly. He needs to hear this, even if my body fights against me. Every instinct I have is on fire, battling between my head and my heart and my libido. He’s looking mighty fine again today; a skintight black muscle t-shirt, a sleeveless cut and his hair gelled back a little. He hasn’t shaved, and there’s that fucking sexy scent that I want to bathe in.

“You don’t want to do that and we both know it. You’re just like all the other bikers I’ve ever met. You want to be the first to say you’ve fucked this snatch, am I wrong?”

His eyes dance with amusement as they wander down to my throat. He swallows hard. “Be lyin’ if I said I didn’t want you in my bed, Mama. But you’re wrong about everythin’ else.”

“Am I?”

Oh, he’s very sure of himself. Standing straight, his hands on his hips, I feel short. He’s a lot taller than me, like a giant towering over my small frame, and when did his arms and shoulders get so wide? Fine. I admit it; he has looks, but that’s it, or at least that’s what I tell myself. Nevada isn’t in this for the greater good; I doubt he gives a crap about my sister or any of my problems. If I bang him and get it over with, the cute disaster might leave me alone.

Then again, toying with him is fun when I can see how badly he wants it. The smirk on his face to the way he’s at complete ease even when I’m poking at him. I don’t think any other man I’ve met before has reacted so calmly. I guess my mom always told me I was a troublemaker.

“Yep. Ever since you told me about Tilly, that’s all I’ve been thinkin’ about.”

I’m surprised he even remembered her name… Wait, did I tell him her name? Or has he been doing some investigation of his own?

“Why do you care so much? You don’t know her, you don’t know me?—”

“I care about you.”

I snort. “From meeting me in a bar one time.”

“And at the weddin’. We keep meetin’ like this, it’s gotta mean somethin’.”

“You think if we fuck, that’ll solve all your problems?” I smirk. “Of course, you’re too young to realize that sex complicates everything.”

“What if it really isn’t just about sex.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “I find that very hard to believe.”

“Because I’m your Pretty Boy or because you think I don’t have a brain?”

“I’m sure you do, to get this far within an MC at such a young age.”

“I’ve worked hard.” He stares at me. I can tell this is a sore subject by the way his bottom lip shakes a little. It must mean something to him that I didn’t realize before. I get the brotherhood side of a club like this, but there’s something more.

“I can see that,” I say. “Owning your own business at twenty-five. You did go to Catholic school after all, which means your Latin theory checks out. Your parents divorced a couple of years ago; your mom resides in your renovated basement and your dad moved to Florida. You studied industrial design in college before dropping out, which leads me to believe that you’re an artist of some sort, though you chose to buy your own business at twenty-five and did a traineeship in heavy diesel mechanics. How am I doin’?”

His eyes blink a few times, disbelief written all over his face as the blank look I get makes me feel a little smug. Oh, you weren’t expecting that, Pretty Boy? I bet you think all women are only good for one thing and one thing only.

“So you read up on me, the question is why, Mama?”

I drag my eyes away from his broad chest. I can see his tattoos peeking out and it’s fucking turning me on. “I read up on everyone, so don’t go around thinkin’ you’re special.”

“Wednesday,” he says. “Be here at about eight o’clock. I’ll rustle up Jett and Rock and we’ll talk then. I’ll make sure that they work on this new lead until then, okay?”

We stare at one another for a few moments. I try to gauge if what he’s saying is actually true; does he really give a shit? Or is he really just trying his luck because he has a fantasy about an older woman?

More to the point, do I care?

I haven’t had sex in a while, but I hear it’s just like riding a bike. I used to love sex, not that I’d sleep around, but casual sex can be fun with the right guy. There’s just a lot of wrong guys out there, which is why I worry for Halo. She’s only twenty-five and a little innocent in the ways of the world.

There is no way that she’s not gonna make sure she’s available to come with me.

“Are you gonna say please?” I match his cocky grin.

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