Page 140 of Nevada

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“I know,” I whisper back and we both smirk to ourselves.

Hustler addresses the table. “Thinkin’ about buyin’ a cafe,” he says out of nowhere.

Nevada glances up from his plate. “Yeah? Which one?”

“Muso’s, it’s a cheery little place near Jackson Square in the French Quarter.”

Riot and I both whistle between our teeth. “That’ll be settin’ you back a pretty packet.” Riot points his fork. “You talked to Cash? We got the Burger Grill on Bourbon Street, and Indigo’s bakery; NOLA Sweet Treats, but no cafe in the club. Might be interested.”

“Been thinkin’ about it, don’t like to ask for any handouts. Got most of the deposit.”

“That’s very brave of you, West,” Audrina says. “Working for yourself is a big step, but I’m sure you’d make anything work.”

Nevada gives me a glance and I know what he’s thinking; how would my mom know that?

“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” he chuckles. “Maybe you’d like to be my barista?”

We all watch as Audrina flushes and Nevada lays down his knife and fork. I press a hand to his and he looks up at me.

Be nice, I mouth.

I am nice, he mouths back. Then he turns his attention to his mom and Hustler. “You two go out on a date yet?”

The two of them shift their gazes across the table and Audrina holds a hand to her throat, a nervous laugh escaping her. “Don’t be silly, we’re just friends.” She picks up the bowl in front of her and says, “Anyone want any more Caesar salad?”

Meanwhile, Hustler is still staring at her, amusement crosses his lips. “Here, let me do that.” He takes the bowl off her and passes it down the line to Riot, who’s already filling his plate back up.

“It really was nice of you to do this,” Halo chimes. “I haven’t had a Sunday dinner like this in years.”

“Where do your family live?” Audrina asks.

“They’re all in St. Charles Parish, actually. My father runs a big construction and machinery company.”

While Halo isn’t exactly on speaking terms with her parents, all because they had plans for her future that included becoming a wife and mother, not working and certainly not running around with a biker club.

“Oh gosh, that’s a really pretty place. Were you raised there?” Audrina asks.

Halo clears her throat. “Yes, but I had to leave because my parents wanted me to marry a man not of my choosing.”

Everyone stops eating and silence falls around the table. I see Riot’s hand ball up into a fist.

He turns his head to look at her. “Is that even legal?”

“For my parents to be pushy?” She laughs without humor. “Uh, yeah, it’s legal.”

“They sound fun.” Nevada’s tone is laced with sarcasm.

Audrina pauses for a moment, then says, “That’s a shame, but it’s good that you clearly stood your ground. Good for you.”

“Thanks.” Halo smiles. She doesn’t add that they also cut her off financially and emotionally. It’s probably been six months now. I don’t know why they have to be such asshats, but with a family like that, who needs enemies? “Star was kind enough to give me a job running her office, so that’s why I moved out here.”

“Well, I needed someone who’s far more friendly than I am to answer the phones as well as organize all my shit,” I muse. A few smirks and chuckles ring around the table.

“Who’s the guy?” Riot mutters.

Halo looks down at her plate. “Uh, nobody you’d know.”

“First lovers tiff?” Nevada whispers.

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