Page 134 of Nevada

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“You blacked out.”

“I hit my head, cheesedick.”

I press my lips to her. “You can call me any names you want, told you that once before, but you’re not goin’ anywhere, you hear me?”

I hear the sound of straight pipes before the sirens get closer.

Ryder, Rock, Jett, Priest and Riot all come busting in, weapons drawn.

“Over here!” I yell. “She’s been shot above the shoulder.”

“Jesus,” Riot mutters.

Rock bends down to look, tilting her body forward as he rips the back of her shirt down. “Bullet wound came through.” He looks down and picks it up right near his feet. “Not a doc, but clearly it didn't hit her heart. She’s still breathin’.”

Jett and Priest run over toward Louise, who’s still holding her neck. She managed to pull the knife out, and now she’s bleeding profusely.

“Had to call it in,” Riot says. “Had no choice.”

I nod. “Did the right thing.”

He clutches my shoulder. “It’s gonna be okay. She’s the strongest person I know.”

Seeing my hands covered in her blood, I feel like my heart’s gonna leap out of my chest. This isn’t how this was supposed to go down. I was only with Louise a couple of times. It wasn’t serious. She was cute and we fucked. That was it. I made no promises or asked her to be my girlfriend. She’s the one who’s been calling me and sending me the flowers, and watching the house. I kick myself for not having a prospect out front with Tilly being home. Cash would’ve okayed it.

A few minutes later, Pipes, Bronco and Harlem all run in. “Jesus fuck,” Bronco says.

“She’s gonna be okay,” I tell them.

Star just whispers over and over, telling me she loves me. And I hope it’s not the last words I ever get to hear.

This woman has changed my life in a matter of weeks. She stole my heart, gave me something to believe in and I’ve never felt this way about anyone.

This can’t be how it ends. It can’t. I won’t let it.



Rubbing a hand over my face, I take her hand in mine. “I’m so sorry.”

It’s been twenty-four hours and she had emergency surgery to make sure no debris was left in her shoulder.

Louise was taken to emergency and she died on the operating table. We’ll plead self-defense, but none of this is gonna be easy after what Star’s already gone through.

“Why? It wasn’t your fault some ex got crazy and wanted to shoot you.” She’s awake, and complaining about being in hospital when she’s apparently fine, even though she has wires and drips running at either side of her hospital bed.

“She wasn’t my ex. But I can agree she was crazy. She’s also dead.”

“Great.” She lowers her voice. “That’s two people I’ve killed in a matter of a month. Should I get some kind of reward for that?”

“I don’t think I’m gonna let you anywhere near the sharp knives at home if that’s what you’re askin’.”

“I knew when we got together things were gonna be interesting, but I never expected I’d be lying in a hospital bed with wires coming out of me and doctors shoving things into my nether region.”

“It’s a catheter. Quit your bitchin’.”

“Knock, knock.” Tilly taps at the door. She visited earlier, but comes back every few hours to check on Star. I know this has hit her hard, and not exactly what we needed to help with her recovery.

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