Page 131 of Nevada

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He leans over to kiss me quickly. “I’ll be back around eight, okay?”

I nod. “Okay.”

When he’s gone, Tilly smiles to herself.

“What?” I nudge her.

“You’ve got a sweet man right there. He really cares about you.”

“I know.” I wrap my arms around myself. “He really does.”

“And you said you’d never fall for a man ever again after…” She frowns, and I’m glad she doesn’t remember that douchebag's name. It’s a blessing. I wish I could forget him too.


She laughs. “Yeah.”

“I guess things work out in the most mysterious ways.”

“He does have some cute friends.”

I’ve only taken her to the clubhouse once. I know she loves the Stiletto Riders, but the NOLA Rebels are quite a far cry from an all-women’s MC. I don’t want to expose her to anything that may be triggering.

“Don’t even think about it.”

She rests her head on my shoulder. “Are you going to wrap me in bubble wrap my entire life?”

“Nope. But for now, I just need to know you’re safe.”

“I am. I promise.”

“I’m here, no matter what.”

She squeezes my arm. “You certainly are.”

I glance at her. “Am I too much?”

Her eyes are kind and gentle. “No. You’re like the mom I never really had. And I’ve always loved you for that, for giving me everything.”

It warms my heart to hear her say that. “I love you too, sis. It’s my job to worry about you, ever since you were a kid.”

“Oh God, you were bad.”

I laugh. “Yeah, I guess I’ve always had a temper.”

“Whatever happens, we have each other. Always. Remember?”

She nods. “Always.”

I let the moment sink in, and for the first time in a long time, I make peace with the past. Everything my mom put me through and how she left us to fend for ourselves. How the men in my life never showed up, and when my sister was snatched, the toll it took on my sanity trying to get her back. But this isn’t about me, none of it is. All I’ve ever done past and present is so Tilly can have a better life. And this is me keeping that promise.

I could have gone with Tilly, Luna and Payden to the movies, but since my little sister thinks I’m wrapping her in bubble wrap, I decided to go and visit Nevada at his workshop instead. That way I keep myself busy and don’t go stalking the movies waiting for my sister to emerge.

When I get there, I see Nevada’s motorcycle in the lot and pull up to park next to him. It’s dark out, and I didn’t even tell him I was coming. I’ve always had a fantasy about doing it in his workshop. He’s so sexy when he wears those overalls.

When I enter, the light is dim and I’m about to call out when I hear voices. Nevada’s and a female’s. My heart rate spikes. Why would a woman be in here?

My mind races with the possibilities until I get a little closer.

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