Page 117 of Nevada

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I pull Star into my arms but she’s not making it easy. “Please, Nevada!”

I open the truck door, wrapping an arm around her waist. “No. This isn’t your time to be brave, baby. You’ve done all you can.” I shove her inside as Harlem takes the wheel.

“Get in or shut the fuckin’ door!” he barks. “Gotta move.”

I press my lips to hers. “I’ll be right behind you.”


She doesn’t get a chance to jump out. I shut the door and place my palm on the glass as she bangs against it, crying out for me. Then Harlem takes off. Her face is the last thing I see as she bangs harder against the window.

I hated to do that to her, but I need her safe. I can’t let her go getting in a jam and doing something that’ll put her in harm's way. That just ain’t gonna happen. There are plenty of soldiers here without putting her in jeopardy.

I turn and run back to the sound of guns going off all around. I don’t see Bane, and I don’t see Jefferson.

“What the fuck?” I bark, joining Viking behind the transport truck.

“Jefferson tried to pull a swift one.” His face is grim. “Lucky we had a couple guys on the roof of the fuckin’ barn or Bane would be dead.”

“Holy shit.”

“Seems that Jefferson was gonna kill us all and this was just a ploy.”

“Fuckin’ asshole.”

A slow smile spreads across his face. “We got him, and he’s still alive.”

A stray bullet comes flying past us and we duck, I fire back in the same direction and we both surge forward.

I haven’t seen Hawk or Riot, but as I approach the ground where Bane and Jefferson were just standing, I can see bodies lying all around. It’s pretty isolated out here, but it won’t be that long til the cops get wind. I hit one of Jefferson's men in the shoulder with my 9mm and he goes down.

“Took you long enough!” I’m relieved to hear Riot’s voice as he straddles a man, letting him go after beating the shit outta him. I toss him my other pistol and he gives me a grateful smile. “This got outta hand quickly.”

“No shit.” More bullets fly by and I turn and shoot, moving in front of Riot.

“Need to get the fuck outta here,” Riot says.

I look around. “Where the fuck is Bane?”

“Don’t worry about him. He’s on the other side of the field,” Viking says, then smirks. “Makin’ sure Montyfuckface is fuckin’ done. We clean up here, and we get to have fun later.”

The Prez is always protected, but Bane was right in the thick of it with the rest of us.

“Follow me.” We hear Viking and two other bikers —whose patches read; Radium & Archer — both stay in front as we keep low running toward a large truck with multiple bullet holes and we climb inside.

“Jefferson piqued too early,” Radium laughs. “Stupid fuck. He’s gonna pay for that.”

He spins the tires and we take off, smashing through the gates at the other side of the pig farm, and then we’re on a dirt track, sliding around until Radium gets the truck under control.

“You good?” I ask Riot. He’s patting himself down to make sure he wasn’t shot.

“Still live to see another day.”

“Holy shit, that was wild,” the one named Archer says, sounding like he wishes he were back there in the fray. “That dirty fuckin’ piece of shit’s gonna go back to the warehouse and endure the wrath of Hornet and Viking. Sucks to be him.”

Viking just grunts. All in a day’s work for him.

I just need to get back to my girl. She’s gonna be devastated that there was no sign of Tilly.

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