Page 113 of Nevada

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“He’d say anything once he knew his days were numbered. He didn’t know your sister from Adam, but tried to convince you she was dead. He can’t be trusted.”

“So, the Stilettos…”

“They’re in Texas. We’re in Mississippi. If you wanna go runnin’ off to get yourself in another shit pile of trouble,” he sweeps his arm out, “just go right ahead.”

“I’m just saying, it’s another lead…”

“One that could lead to another and another. Dave would sell his own grandmother if he thought it was gonna throw someone off course. He’s throwin’ out names in Texas to take the heat off Mississippi, that’s it.”

“But can’t we check?” I feel all eyes on me. “Ask Diamond if she has a bunch of girls in her compound?”

“You don’t get how this works, angel. When she’s helped girls in the past, she gets them back to their families. They move on, they don’t stay there forever.”

“Oh.” I close my eyes.

Nevada’s hand squeezes my knee. “Easy, baby.”

I feel like a wildcat who’s been held captive all its life. The need to strike runs through my veins like hot lava. After the adrenaline of today, I just want to break free and get this show on the road. But this isn’t my show. It’s theirs. I’m in their territory now and playing by their rules…

“Gotta respect that, babe,” Nevada said. “We’re not in NOLA anymore, what they say goes. Remember it.”

“But—” I try to protest.

“No buts. Things will work smoother if we all work together. I know this part is frustratin’, but the boys know what they’re doin’. Got me?”

I hold onto that sentiment, because this is my last hope. “I know. I’m not dumb.”

“No, you’re not, but you are a hot head who can’t control her temper. Remember what you did to Dave.”

“He was a trafficker and rapist. I have no sympathy for him.”

“Neither do I, but one slip and Bane could be wearin’ your dagger, we don’t want that on our hands. A war isn’t what we stepped into Mississippi for, at least, not with the Hellions.”

I give him a stern look. “I’m not going to take out the Hellions MC Prez, for God's sake!”

“Stranger things have happened.”

“I’m not good at being patient, that’s all.”

“I’ll remember that next time I fuck you.”

I can’t help but smile. “You already frustrate the living shit out of me when you go slow.”

“Called makin’ love, baby. Better get used to it.”

I can’t even begin to believe how good that sounds coming from his lips. It makes me forget everything that’s going on, at least for a little while…

I smile, remembering Nevada trying to make sure I behaved myself. “What?” I whisper. “I’m just asking!”

He kisses me on the forehead. “I know. We can check in with the Stilettos after.”

Shadow snorts. “Good luck.”

We both look to the front. “They hard to handle?” Nevada frowns.

He and Bane share a look. “They’re, uh, headstrong, to say the least. They have an agenda of their own, a noble one, but Diamond?” Shadow shakes his head. “Like I said, she lives in her own world with her own rules. It’s like her personal mission to save everyone.”

She sounds like a stand-up woman. Someone I’d be very interested in meeting.

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