Page 57 of Merger

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"I have done what you asked, haven't I? I heard you loud and clear, Price. Don't fuck with your wife. Understood. Message received."

"You say that." I paced in front of him slowly, as if I had all the time in the world. But I needed him to fucking start talking. "Except, you didn't get the message the first time, and you tried to talk to her."

"I haven't approached her. Ask her, she'll fucking tell you."

"That's the thing, why should I have to bother Gwen with such frivolity? Because if you hired someone to try and kill her…”

Jacobson put his hands up and started backing up. "Fuck, no I didn’t. I'm not insane."

"Sure, you are. You tried talking to her after I told you not to." I prowled toward him, and he continued to back up. And Lakewood added to the effect by just lazing sadistically on the bed.

"I was pissed, yeah. You cost me millions. But try to kill her? You're already fucking unhinged, man. I'm not trying to invite more trouble."

"Why should I believe you?"

"I don't know this guy, Reeser."

I leaned in real close. "You're sure? Because hiring an assassin is easy. It's exactly the kind of bitch move that you would make."

Jacobson frowned. "No. It wasn't me. Her father, maybe. He's desperate enough to do something like this. Not me."

I turned to Lakewood. "Funny how when he's desperate, he will find anyone else to take the fall."

"I mean, it doesn't make a ton of sense,” Lance mused, “but at least he gave us something to look at."

"Do you believe him?" I asked.

"You've already shown him that you can ruin him. Besides, I think you and your boys already have him pissing himself. He's not dumb enough to make that mistake."

Bronson nodded his head. "Yeah, what Lakewood said. I learned my lesson. I swear I don't know him."

I didn't want to believe him, but I did. He looked scared and like he had no idea what the fuck I was talking about. He wasn't connected to Reeser. And as much as I wanted to kill him, Gwen had been pretty clear on the no-murdering thing.

"Hey, Lakewood, when Gwen said no-murder, do you think she meant you, too?"

Lakewood chuckled low then. "Better not risk it. She's still mad at me for this one time in college when she asked me not to interfere with something and I did. She's still holding a grudge on that one. I would like for her to talk to me sometime in this century.” He turned to Jacobson. “So lucky for you, Bronson. You get to live.”

In the elevator, I said, "Well, it's a pity that didn’t pan out, Lakewood. But hopefully, Gwen and Micah have had more luck with my father."

His eyes met mine, and we both knew what I meant. If they came up snake eyes on the old man as well, we weren't any closer. And there was an assassin in our midst.



"Oh look, the prodigal son returns," Lucian Price said sarcastically.

Micah didn't even flinch as he stoically stood next to me. He said nothing.

"Mr. Price, we just have a few questions for you,” I began.

His gaze darted back to me. "I don't speak to the help, girl."

I grinned. "Of course, you don't. Good thing I'm your daughter now, Dad."

"All because of a deal Atticus made. You're the bride he bought and paid for. And now you're stuck with him.”

"Well, consider me the help if you want, but I own majority shares of Pendragon, Dad. So call me what you like, but I'm still richer than you."

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