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“You were the one who told me I should move on from her, and now you’re telling me that meeting her is a sign and I need to call her? Which is it?” I regret the question as soon as it’s out of my mouth.


“Gavin.” I sigh, frustrated, raking my hand down my face.

“Okay. Then I changed my mind.” At first, Gavin’s grin widens, but then there’s a subtle shift in his expression. The corners of his mouth soften. “In all seriousness, Dillan. I’ve never seen you talk about a chick the way you talk about this one. I mean, she must have the best pussy ever, or I don’t know why you’re obsessed. There are other women out there, you know. But okay, clearly, you want to bust a nut in her. Besides, you went like, what, fifteen years without seeing each other, and now you’ve seen her twice in less than a year? That seems pretty significant.”

He hasn’t voiced anything I haven’t already been thinking. In my heart, I know Lizzie and I aren’t meant to never see or speak to each other again. She’s too special to me to let her go. However, there’s still the matter that I have no way to contact her without being creepy.

Sure, I can probably get her info from medical records in the clinic, but that’s stalker shit. Point is, if she wanted to see me again, she would have said something.

She didn’t.


And she just had a baby.

Obviously, she has a different agenda now.

Gavin claps me on the back. “You’ll figure something out. And hey, if you two really are meant to be, I’m sure you’ll get together again.”

His words replay in my head for the next day or so. Things are finally starting to slow down at work, which gives me time to do some thinking.

I should speak openly to her, but I can’t go back and fix my previous mistake. The only thing I can do is think ahead and move forward. I have no social media, nor do I have any desire to. The one or two attempts I make to search for her profiles online come up with a list of too many Elizabeth Moores to weed through, so I give up.

I’m in between patients and have taken time to sit at my desk and update my patient list when Lizzie’s name comes up.

You know what, to hell with it, I think.

To hell with not being creepy, let’s be fucking creepy.

Let’s be Dr. Motherfucking Creep of the Century.

What’s her fucking number?

While Lizzie isn’t my patient, Daisy Anderson is one of my colleagues, and I have access to her patient list since I was the one to deliver Lizzie’s baby. Though my practice is private, the building is shared with a few other medical offices, including the one Daisy works in.

Before I have a chance to click on her contact information, a notice pops up, preventing me from continuing. I click on it, but there isn’t much to go on, other than that the billing department has tried to call Lizzie with no luck. My heart sinks, but I’m undeterred and curious as to why they’ve tried to contact her so many times.

I pick up my desk phone and call the billing department at the hospital.

“Billing, this is Sam,” the billing manager answers in her usual peppy tone.

“Hey, Sam, it’s me. I’m just looking at Elizabeth Moore’s account and noticed you guys have tried calling her but couldn’t reach anyone. What’s going on?”

“Let me look.” I hear her long nails dancing across the keyboard. “Ah, okay. Yeah, not sure what happened here. We got her payment before she left the hospital, but when we tried to run it, it wouldn’t go through. There’s no new phone number on file, but we’ve sent her an email. Though I’m not sure it’s active, and even if it is, I don’t imagine she’s checking her email after just having a baby.”

“Do you have an address on file?”

“Yes, we do. But the last few letters we sent came back as undeliverable. It looks like her address was entered into the computer system incorrectly…let me see. Yep. The street name is missing.” She sighs loudly. “I swear, the last software update has been a nightmare.”

“I’ll take care of it,” I tell Sam.

“Take care of what? Do you have a better number for her?”

“No,” I say. “I mean I’ll pay it.”

There’s silence.

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