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“Do you want me to call your parents?” Pippa asks gently. “Let them know.”

I shake my head vehemently. “No. I’ll tell them after the baby’s born. You know my mom. She’ll likely turn the whole thing into a saga about me being a single parent who’s made a string of ‘bad’ choices.”

Pippa makes a noise of annoyance. “Fair point. Forget I asked.”

I don’t have a chance to say much else after that. The next contraction comes on quicker than I thought it would, and every bit of energy I’ve got is poured into breathing properly.

By the time we get to the hospital, the contractions are less than ten minutes apart. Pippa has called ahead for me, so the front desk has already begun the check-in process and has a wheelchair waiting. I collapse into it with a grateful sigh, my body feeling like it’s on fire. The pain is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before.

Pippa wheels me to the maternity ward where we’re greeted by a cheerful nurse.

“You must be Elizabeth,” she says, motioning for us to follow. “Hello, I’m Ronnie, the head nurse overseeing your care today. We have a room all set for you. Now, I will say, we have been trying to reach your doctor to let her know you’re in labor, but we haven’t been able to so far.”

“What?” My heart sinks. “Why not? She said she’d always be available if I need her.” I start to panic and look up at Pippa. “She did! She told me I could call her anytime. Why wouldn’t she be answering?”

Clearly well trained, Nurse Ronnie gently takes my hand. “Elizabeth, we will get in touch with her. Don’t you worry about a thing. Just leave it up to us. Now, let’s get you into a gown and a bed, huh?”

Despite her calming voice, I feel anything but. My anxiety is through the roof, the pain and changes my body is going through making it ten times worse. Pippa helps me undress and ties my hospital gown before I’m able to ease into bed.

“I’m so scared,” I admit once I’m settled. “Pippa, I’ve got no idea what to do.”

“Lizzie, listen. You are the strongest and bravest woman I have ever met. You have courage I never would have. If anyone can do this, you can.”

“You’re just saying that.”

“Oh, sweetie.” She brushes my hair from my face. “You know I love you too much to lie to you.”

Her blunt response makes me giggle through the pain and discomfort.

Over the next hour, the time between contractions slowly decreases, until they’re no more than five minutes apart. The pain becomes more intense as the minutes drag by, and I no longer have any reprieve between contractions. Nurses come in and out of the room to check on me and take my vitals. Several times they ask if I want something for the pain or an epidural, but I decline.

I decided long ago I’d forgo any pain meds, not wanting to be high as a kite when I see my child for the first time.

Pippa helps me by rubbing my back and shoulders, counting through the contractions for me. She’s amazing and stoic as ever, much more put together now that she has gotten me to the hospital.

There’s still no word from my doctor.

As much pain as I’m in, I’m still very much aware that she hasn’t arrived yet. It isn’t until I near hour two of labor that Nurse Ronnie enters the room. I can immediately tell that she doesn’t have good news.

“I’m sorry to say that your doctor is currently assisting in another delivery. Given how quickly your labor has progressed, she won’t be able to make it in time. She has called in one of her colleagues.”

“I don’t want her colleague! I want her,” I snap, shoving my sweaty hair out of my face as it escapes the bun Pippa had tied it in. “I don’t want an unknown person delivering my baby.”

“I can assure you Dr. Maxwell is extremely experienced and highly qualified. He rushed over as soon as we called him. He’s changing now and should be in any moment.”

Fate slams on the brakes.

Time comes to a screeching halt.

The world around me stops.

Memories from that night come flooding back. Not to mention the sexy dreams I’ve been having starring the man that brought me to orgasm so many times I lost count.

I barely feel the next contraction through my utter shock at what she’s just said. “Dr. Maxwell? As in…”

I don’t get a chance to finish my sentence because there he is, in the flesh, standing in the doorway like a weird hallucination.

Dillan. Maxwell.

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