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My optimism carries me through the pregnancy. I wish I could say that over the next few months, things fall into place, but it’s not that easy. Plagued with severe morning sickness for the first two or three months, I end up having to take time off work until my stomach settles. It’s a nightmare. Between the anxiety of not working and the constant retching, I don’t really do much other than sleep and run to the bathroom. Food-wise, I survive on Gatorade and goldfish crackers, with the occasional blueberry since they’re supposed to help with nausea. They do not. By the time I finish the first trimester of my pregnancy, I never want to see either of those things again. Ever.

Eventually, I’m able to return to work. Once I do, I tell Marlene about the baby, and she immediately takes me off the stage. It isn’t because she thinks I can’t dance anymore—it’s because she can’t have a dancer continually running off the stage to toss her cookies or be visibly pregnant. While my morning sickness has waned, it doesn’t fully go away until I’m about five months along. By that point, I’m starting to show.

Thankfully, there’s plenty of work available at the Sinner’s Lounge for waitressing, mostly in the earlier hours. On the plus side, since I’ve already got experience, I’m able to earn some overtime training the new hires.

This is a hell of an opportunity to practice for my future employment as the owner of my own studio. To my immense relief, I become really good at teaching dance steps and movements to others, even when I’m no longer able to do them 100 percent myself due to my growing size. I’m careful, though. I don’t take on too much since the stress and exhaustion aren’t good for the baby. I also develop a craving for the chicken wings. Pedro, our chef, always makes it a point to set aside a plate for me during my shift that is magically refilled every time I finish. Needless to say, I become quite close with the kitchen staff and am kept well-fed, which helps keep my food budget intact.

The idea of becoming a mother does take some getting used to. Even after finding an OBYGYN (who is not Herbert but a kind lady in her fifties), it takes a little bit for the news to really sink in. It doesn’t hit me until I hear the baby’s heartbeat for the first time. Pippa comes with me that day, and when Dr. Daisy Anderson puts the doppler on my belly and the rapid beating of the baby’s heart echoes around us, we cry happy tears. It’s the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard.

As the months go on and my stomach grows, so does my excitement. With every kick and shift, I fall more in love with my unborn baby. Of course, I don’t love that I no longer fit into any of my pants. But thankfully, I’ve got a lot of dresses and typically wear them instead.

Pippa and Mrs. Loughty are with me every step of the way. It helps to have such strong and amazing women in my corner. She and Pippa organize a baby shower for me, inviting all the dancers from the club, as well as Marlene and some of the girls I know from the tattoo parlor where Pippa works. I find myself with a much larger support system than I thought I had.

Alexis and Lori surprise me with a beautiful white wooden cradle for beside my bed so the baby can sleep right next to me. Even Bella gets me a gift—a cozy blanket, embroidered with delicate patterns, perfect for keeping both me and the baby warm during those late-night feedings. Ever since the news of the baby, she has been oddly kind, almost like my decision to step away from dancing took some weight off her shoulders. Not that I was ever really competition for her. Either way, I’m grateful since it’s one less thing to stress over.

And yes. Of course, I think about him.

Not just in my dreams—though I’ll blame it on the wild pregnancy hormones stirring up some intriguing scenarios. My subconscious has definitely turned the nights into a playground of spicy hot imagination.

One night, a couple of months before the baby shower, Pippa convinced me to try to Google him—Dr. Maxwell—again, just in case the search results have been updated. Judging by his reaction at the club, I’m well aware he wouldn’t be thrilled to hear from me, let alone the surprise I have in store. I’m convinced he not only ditched me but totally ghosted me too, but I’ve got to try to at least tell him he’s going to be a father. It’s the right thing to do after all.

We don’t find any new entries or information that would help. We do end up unearthing an old YouTube video from a medical conference, so I’m able to show Pippa just how breathtaking Dillan is.

“Girl, I’m as gay as a Broadway show, but I understand what’s got your panties in a twist.”

“Broadway shows are not gay.”

“Babes, I hear you, but if glitter and jazz hands had a love child, it’d be Broadway! But hey, we can agree to disagree.”

“Speaking of which. Any word yet from the chick with that glittery hair?” I ask, unable to contain my curiosity.

“I already told you: Nova will swoop back in when the tattoo needs a touch-up, right on schedule,” she retorts with a smirk. “Quit bugging me.”

One late evening she and I take an Uber to Amelio’s—just to check. Maybe he’s a regular. He isn’t there, and the waiter doesn’t seem to recall; however, he says that he only just started working there.

But we do see Herbert. He’s on a date with a young woman who has curly reddish hair and a smattering of freckles across her nose. And even though he isn’t exactly who I’m looking for, I think it’ll be a good time to apologize for ditching him. Plus, he might know Dillan or if he comes here often. Pippa decides to observe from the bar, declaring, “Might as well witness the awkwardness with a shot of tequila.”

I step up to the table and politely clear my throat. “Hi, Herbert? I’m sorry to interrupt, but can I talk to you for a second?”

He glances up at me, confused. “Who are you?”

“You don’t know me, well, your mom knows a friend of mine. Remember, a few months ago, I’m the one who stood you up. I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am about that.”

“Oh! Hello,” he exclaims with more enthusiasm than I thought he would. “I should probably be mad, but honestly, I’m not, so there’s no need to worry. In a fortunate twist of fate, I happened to meet Evelyn here that night. We’ve been frequenting this place ever since. And now…”—he reaches across the table and takes her hand, showcasing the delicate diamond on her finger—“we’re engaged! So, in fact, thank you for standing me up.”

I take a moment to process his unexpectedly positive response. Relief washes over me as I realize he isn’t holding any grudges. I’m blown away and incredibly happy for them, and I manage a sincere smile.

“Congratulations!” I say to Evelyn, who is beaming at Herbert with a lovestruck smile. “Well, I won’t take up too much more of your time, I just wanted to ask one more thing. You wouldn’t happen to know a Dr. Maxwell, would you?”

Herbert screws up his face in what appears like concentration. “Hmm, doesn’t ring a bell. What field is he in?”

Oh, geez. I don’t know that. If I knew, I’d have likely found him by now. “Ehm, I’m not sure…”

“You’re not sure? And you’re looking for him, why?”

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