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“I will. Now eat some of these cookies—otherwise, I’ll eat them all myself.”



Afew weeks later

“The baby’s head is in position, which is great news,” I tell my patient as I carefully palpate her lower abdomen. “I know we were concerned before because he hadn’t moved, but it seems he’s as anxious to come out as I’m sure you are. How have you been feeling?”

My patient, Stella, lies back on the examination bed, staring down at her bulging belly.

“Tired,” she says, stifling a yawn. “He’s right under my ribs, and every time I get comfortable, he moves. I also had some spotting last week. Is that okay?”

“Perfectly normal. It probably means that you’re due sooner than we thought. Get as much rest as you can, and if anything changes, let me know.”

“Thank you, Dr. Maxwell. You’ve been such a big help with all of this.”

“Happy to do it.” I guide her to sit up and ensure she’s comfortable. “Take a minute to rest, and then when you’re ready to leave, Willette will check you out and schedule your next appointment.”

“Great, thanks!”

I leave the room and head to my office to take a breather. The new building is working out well. Moving had been a challenge, but once I got settled, everything started running like clockwork. Hiring help took a little more time than I anticipated, but I have two new associates starting within the next week, and my front desk is fully staffed. Once the new doctors are able to take over new patients, I’ll be able to relax a bit. At the very least, take a few days off here and there.

Stella is my last client of the day, so after updating her chart, I shut my computer down and change out of my work clothes. I’m more than ready to enjoy one of the few free evenings I’ve had in a long time and have already made plans to get food with Gavin. I grab my helmet.

Amelio’s is busy when I arrive, but being a semi-regular, the bartender waves me over the second my preferred seat opens up. I’ve been back several times over the last few weeks, mostly because it’s Gavin’s favorite place. Also, the Scotch is damn good, and the ribs are even better. But a smaller part of why I keep returning is because I hope I might run into Lizzie again.

The first time I returned after our night together, I inquired about her to the bartender, who had discreetly prevented a second passionate kiss. However, he hadn’t seen her before. Considering she was initially there on a blind date, I assume she isn’t a regular.

As hard as I’ve tried, I haven’t been able forget her. Not fully at least. The routine of life has helped, but I still think about her from time to time. I tried to Google her, but nothing useful came up.

I’ve barely managed to order my drink when somebody sits down next to me. “There he is!”

“What’s up, Gav? Good to see you.”

“I’ll be better if you cheer up a bit.” Gavin chuckles. “I know you’ve been working a shit-ton and need to cut loose a little.”

I take a sip of my Scotch. “That’s an understatement.”

“Good, so you’ll come out with me and the guys tonight.”

There have been a few times when I’ve hung out with Gavin and his friends. They’re great, and we all get along, but it’s been a while since I joined them. Hard partying hasn’t been my thing for a long time. Considering it’s the middle of the week, I assume they won’t be doing anything too drastic.

“What’s the plan?”

“Sinner’s Lounge is having their grand reopening, and I’m friends with a guy who knows the owner. I’ve worked on his bike a couple of times. It’s sold out, but he says he can get us in for the show.”

I’ve heard of the place but have never been to Sinner’s Lounge myself. It’s an upscale strip club which I don’t have much interest in. Strippers and topless dancing have never really done anything for me. “Meh, I don’t know…”

“Dill, man, you gotta let this chick go.”

“Who said anything about a chick?”

Gavin gives me a pointed look, extending a finger to gesture around Amelio’s. “This is where you two met, right? Are you telling me that you haven’t been coming here, and specifically asked me to meet up here today hoping to run into her again?”

“Shut up. I was coming here even before I laid eyes on her, Gavin. I don’t just pick a place hoping for a coincidental encounter.”

I keep to myself the fact that it was precisely the hope of bumping into her again that led me here, or that I’ve interrogated the bartender about her. Not to mention, she’s been an unexpected guest in my dreams. Regardless, Gavin doesn’t seem convinced.

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