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“So, who was this other guy? He must have been hot as hell to make you forget about your date.”

“Dillan Maxwell.”


The spoon clatters against the bowl, sending milk onto the floor. Pippa stares at me with wide eyes. “Dillan Maxwell? As in the Dillan Maxwell you used to pine over back in high school?”

“Yup. That’s the one.” I sigh wistfully as I think about Dillan and how many times I came last night.

Carefully, Pippa sets her bowl on the counter.

The next thing I know, she’s leaning over the back of the couch, her hands squishing my cheeks as she grabs my face and forces me to look at her. “Elizabeth Ashley Moore. Did you have sex with the man you’ve been in love with since high school?”

“First off, that’s not my middle name. Second, let go of my face.” I pry her hands off my cheeks before batting them away. “And third…yes, I did.”

“You little whore!”


Pippa lets out a whoop of joy and playfully swats back at me. “I’m so damn proud of you.”

“Don’t get too excited,” I say. “It was a one-time thing.”

“What? Why? You two had such great chemistry back then, and obviously you still do if you fucked him. Don’t you want to see him again?”

“It’s not that simple.”

“Why? Did he have a small dick?”

“Get your mind out of the gutter.” His dick was more perfect than perfect, but I’ll spare her the intimate details. A lady never reveals too much about her gentleman callers. “I can’t see him again because I don’t have any way to reach him.”

Pippa nearly drops her spoon into her cereal. “Are you telling me that you guys spent the whole night together and you never got his number? Lizzie! For shame!”



Isit up, leaning on the headrest of the couch as I stare at my roommate in the kitchen. “He was gone when I woke up. Left a quick note saying he had an emergency and would be back at some point. There was a number on the note, but when I tried it, it didn’t work. I waited for hours, but he never came back.”

“Oh, honey…”

I groan in frustration and flop back onto the couch, putting one of the couch pillows over my face. “I was totally ditched, wasn’t I?”

“I don’t know about that. Most people who run after a one-night stand don’t take the time to leave a note. And if they did, they definitely wouldn’t say they were coming back. Maybe he just wrote the number down wrong or something.”

“Yeah, right.” Pippa is never one to tell me what I want to hear. In fact, she usually goes the opposite direction and is truthful almost to an annoying degree. The fact she doesn’t think Dillan outright ditched me does make me feel better. Deep down, I didn’t think so either. It comforts me to have my feelings validated.

“His handwriting was pretty terrible,” I admit. “I could have read the number wrong.”

“Where’s the note? Maybe I can figure it out.”

“I threw it away.” Peeking out from under the pillow, I catch sight of Pippa’s disapproving stare. “I’m sorry! I had a pissed-off moment. I thought I was being ditched, so I tossed it. I also tried a few different combos of numbers and none of them worked.”

“I can’t fault you for that, I guess.” She takes another spoonful of cereal while I stew in my mixed emotions. “So, what’s your plan now?”

“Take a long hot shower, change into sweats, and throw myself into sewing.”

“That’s your answer for everything.”

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