Page 83 of Wildest Dreams

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I laugh and give him a shrug. “I think you’re right. Call me if you need me, day or night. Promise?”

“I promise,” he says with a sigh. “Thanks. I feel better.”

“Good. Go take a nap, or kill some zombies.”

“That’s a great idea,” he says. “I’ll kill some zombies. Have fun. See you later.”

With that, he’s gone, and I look over at the woman who just finished sending me straight into complete and unconditional love with her.

“I’m sorry that I intervened, I just?—”

I cover her mouth with mine and kiss her long and slow, and when I pull back and look down at her, those green eyes are round, and her plump, swollen lips are parted.

“You were looking out for Jake, and I appreciate it.”

“I guess so.” She covers her lips with her fingers. “I’m glad you didn’t hate it.”

I laugh and pull her to me and lie down on the bed with her. “No, I didn’t hate it. I’m damn grateful for you and the way you care about my kid. Now, let’s nap, babe.”

“That sounds nice.”



“How is everything at home?”

I glance up from my phone and smile at Ryan, who’s fastening cuff links on his shirt. He’s so tall, so freaking handsome with his tanned skin against that white shirt that it makes me melt inside.

And he might be the only man I’ve ever known in my life to use cuff links.

“It’s good.” I smile and finish the text I’m sending off to my staff. “They assure me that everything is fine at the shop. The new apple tart cookies are a hit for fall.”

I tuck my phone into my small handbag and then stand to cross over to him to tie his tie. I have to stand on an ottoman to reach him comfortably, and it makes him smirk. Ryan watches me with those amazing hazel eyes as I work the silk in my hands.

“It’s been an incredible week,” I say with a happy sigh. We’ve been to at least two or three shows a day, dinners, and parties, and I’ve met people that I’ve read about in fashion magazines or seen on TV. London has been incredible about sticking close by so she can make introductions and start conversations. I haven’t felt out of place even once.

I even had the opportunity to thank Anna Wintour for the suite, and I didn’t stutter when I spoke with her.

“I’m glad you’ve enjoyed it,” he says and runs his hand up and down my arm. “It’s not quite over yet.”

“Ryan, you don’t have to buy me anything else. I know that tomorrow is the buying day, but seriously, you’ve already done so much, and I’m fine. Hell, I’m way more than fine. I’m fabulous.”

I smooth my hand down the tied tie, and he leans in to press his lips to my forehead.

“You don’t have to buy anything that you don’t like.” I start to protest, but he presses his finger to my lips. “Let the houses flirt with you, Polly. See what they offer. Enjoy the experience, and only take what you love.”

I move in and wrap my arms around him, holding him close. He immediately engulfs me in his embrace, and we stand here like this for just a moment.

There isn’t anything in the world like being in Ryan’s arms.

And I want to tell him that taking what I love means simply taking him.

“You’ve spoiled me rotten this week.”

“That was the goal.” I feel him smile against my hair. “Have I mentioned today how fucking gorgeous you are?”

I chuckle and pull back so I can smile up at him. “Probably once or twice.”

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