Page 66 of Wildest Dreams

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“Come back any time,” Jake adds and smiles at Caleb. “Whenever you’re in town, I’ll give you more lessons.”

“That’s rad,” Caleb exclaims and bounces on his toes. “Thanks, Jake. You’re the best.”

The three of them climb into their SUV and, with a wave, drive away from the stables.

“That was fun,” Jake says as we walk back inside to see to the horses. “Caleb’s pretty nice, and he catches on fast and respects the animals. I’ll work with him.”

“He’ll love that.”

“Hey.” Jake picks up a brush and starts brushing Cowboy. “Did I hear that you’re taking Polly to Paris?”

I eye my boy as I fill the feeder for Blossom. “I’d like to, yeah. It’s something that Polly’s always wanted to do. How do you feel about that? I’d be gone for about a week.”

“I think it’s cool,” Jake replies and kisses Cowboy on the cheek. “You’ve been seeing Polly all summer. I guess it’s pretty serious?”

Now I turn and give the teenager my full attention.

“I don’t see it ending any time soon, and I like her a lot, so yeah, I’d say it’s gotten serious.”

He nods. “I like her, too. I know I told you that before, but I’ve gotten to know her more this summer, and I think she’s pretty okay. I suppose you’re having sex and stuff.”

Now I shove my hands into my pockets, not sure I want to have this conversation with my kid, but also not willing to lie to him.

“We’re intimate, yeah, but I’m not using her for that, and it’s completely consensual.”

“I know,” he says and laughs. “I get it. Thanks for not making me listen to it. That’s…gross.”

“Unless you ask, you’ll never know that Polly and I are physical. That’s between me and her, and I know it’s not something you want to be privy to. Nor should you. Jake, how are you? How do you feel about everything? You’ve been here for more than half a year, and I want to make sure that you’re happy.”

“I am.” He looks over at me now and takes off his gloves. “I have the best home there is. Have you seen that house? And these girls?” He waves at the horses, who are busy eating oats. “The difference in my life from last year at this time and now is crazy, and I am completely happy. Plus, I have you and a million aunts and uncles and all the people. What’s not to be happy about?”

“I just want to check in now and then to make sure because you’re the priority, and I don’t want you to forget that.”

He grins at me and shrugs a shoulder. “I don’t feel ignored or anything, if that’s what you’re thinking. I don’t care if you go on dates and stuff. We hang out a lot, and we always have our breakfast meetings.”

“Yeah.” I nod and reach out to clap him on the shoulder. “Yeah, we do. Well, I’m glad to hear that we’re cool. I feel great about everything. Having you here, having Polly in my life, this ranch, our family. It’s all pretty amazing.”

“Totally,” he agrees. “And you’ll have a blast spoiling Polly in Paris. She likes all that girly shi—stuff.”

“Nice save.”

“I’m going to the rodeo with Brady next weekend. I forgot to mention it to you, but he invited me to go, and I’m curious to see it. Is that cool?”

That surprises me. Brady never lets any of the family see him ride.

“Sure, just be careful, and don’t let him get you on an animal that intends to throw you off.”

Jake nods. “I don’t want to ride, but if I’m going to be a vet for horses, there might be times that I have to work at the rodeo, you know?”

I narrow my eyes at him. “I know you have two years of school left, but you’re still thinking that’s what you want to do?”

“Yeah, I do. I’m looking at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. It’s one of the best schools of veterinary medicine in the country.”

“Don’t you have to get a bachelor’s first?” I ask him.

“Yeah. I think I want to stick close to home for that. Maybe the University of Montana in Missoula. That’s only like four hours away.”

“I just got you here and you’re already talking about leaving me.”

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