Page 55 of Wildest Dreams

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“Then you’d better go.” I bend down to kiss her cheek, and then she’s off to pose for photos with her friends. With my family.

The five of them, Polly, Erin, Summer, Millie, and Abbi, pose for the cameras. Hands are on hips, heads are cocked, and you’d think that they pose for photos for a living.

“They’re in their element,” Chase says as he and Rem join me.

“Erin’s been buzzing about this all week. Hell, all month,” Rem says with a grin as he watches his wife.

“They should be proud of this,” I add. “It’s a big fucking deal.”

“You got home early,” Chase says, clapping me on the shoulder.

“I had to. This is important to Polly, and I missed my teenager. I surprised them both, and they seemed pleased to see me.”

“I bet they were,” Chase says as we watch our girls finish up with their photo op.

“I hope there’s food,” Rem says. “I’m starving.”

“I have it under good authority that there’s a nice steak waiting for us inside,” Chase replies as we’re waved over to pose with our dates. “Steak from the Wild River Ranch.”

“As it should be,” I add with a grin.

“I want photos,” Polly says as she reaches for my hand, but then her face sobers, and she looks up at me solemnly. “Unless you’d rather not.”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“I can’t control what goes out to the press on this,” she says, pulling me aside so we can talk. “The whole purpose of this is to get press, but I don’t want you to think that I’m using you or your influence to garner attention for our collective, and?—”

I simply lean in and press my lips to hers, and we hear a flurry of shutters from cameras going off around us. I don’t give a shit who sees us.

“I’m fine, sweetheart. You’re no secret. I’m your arm candy, remember? I’m here to do as I’m told.”

“Okay, then,” she breathes, then licks her lips and grins. “Let’s get photos. More photos, I mean.”

We pose for several minutes in front of the red-carpet banners and then move on to give others an opportunity to do the same.

“I don’t think we need to be fussed over.”

Polly turns at the statement, her brow furrowed. “Jackie Harmon, you get over there and have your photo taken. Oh, my God, you look gorgeous in that gown! I mean, I knew you did when you tried it on the other day, but it’s so beautiful with your hair and makeup done. And those shoes! Where did you find them? I don’t carry those in my shop.”

“I went to Missoula with my daughter last weekend,” Jackie confesses, her face now glowing under Polly’s praise. “Aren’t they a great match?”

“They’re stunning, and I’m totally jealous. Come on, you and Brandon get over there.”

Now, Jackie’s all smiles as she poses for photos with her husband.

“You’re good with people,” I inform Polly as we walk into the venue.

“It’s my job, and everything I said to her was true. Sometimes, we just need a little reassurance. Holy Christ on a cracker, it’s gorgeous in here.”

The two of us pause to take it all in.

The interior of the building is all wood, with huge beams that run the length of the room along the vaulted ceiling. There’s a wall of windows that let in plenty of light and gives us the impression that the mountains are knocking, wanting to join us for the party.

Round tables are scattered around the room with light pink tablecloths and flower centerpieces. There’s a stage on one end of the space, all set up and ready for a band.

“I didn’t realize there would be dancing,” I say as Polly and I find our seats.

“Oh, yeah, lots of dancing. The bar your brother made last year is gorgeous. Look at that thing.”

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