Page 51 of Wildest Dreams

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But he’s important to you, too.

“Hopefully, the next couple of weeks will go by fast, and he’ll be back before we know it. Do you mind if I change the subject really quick?”


I look down at the roses and then back up at Jake. “You should ask Katie out, Jake. Like, on a date.”

“What? No. No way.”

“Why not? She likes you, and I think you like her, too. Why not take her to dinner or a movie or something?”

“She doesn’t want to date me,” he insists, shaking his head. “We hang out in completely different crowds.”

“So? Look, high school may be cliquey, but trust me, life isn’t always like that.”

“I’m good.” He clears his throat. “I should go.”

“Hey, I didn’t mean to run you off. Forget I said anything. I should probably just mind my own business.”

His face softens, and he nudges me with his elbow. “It’s okay. But I really do have to go. I’m meeting up with Russ.”

I like Russ. I met him at the pool party, and he seemed like a good kid.

“Okay, have fun. Call me if you need anything. And if you don’t need anything.”

Jake nods and waves as he hurries over to his truck and hops inside.

It’s time for me to get back to work, but first, I pull the card out of the roses and read it.

Miss you, babe.

It was good that I brought Katie in today. We were even busier than I expected, which is always a good thing. Of course, that means that I’m exhausted as I head home for the day, walking through the neighborhood toward my little house. It always sounds like a good idea to walk to work, given how many months are under snow, and I won’t be able to get the exercise, but I also seem to forget that I have to walk back home after work.

And then it’s not so much fun.

At least it’s not far.

Hopefully, I’m tired enough that the heat won’t keep me up half the night again. As much fun as last night was, I don’t think I can make a habit of calling Ryan and pulling him out of meetings.

I can’t resist lowering my nose to sniff one of the roses in the bouquet that Jake delivered earlier. It was thoughtful of both of them.

When I walk up my sidewalk, I frown at the white piece of paper taped to the outside of my screen door. Peeling it off, I unlock the door and step inside, eyebrows lifting when it’s not a hundred degrees in my house.

In fact, it’s…cold.

I turn on a light and read the note from the door. Skimming to the bottom, I see that it’s a note from Ryan, printed off of an email to an HVAC company.


Don’t be mad at me, okay? You were uncomfortable last night, and I could remedy that situation. Hopefully, now you can sleep peacefully. Bundle up until I’m with you to keep you warm myself.


“He had air conditioning installed in my house in one day?” I shake my head, and, without giving it too much thought, I call him. This time, it does go to voicemail. “Hey, I just got home to your note and a chilly house on this hot summer day. Seriously, Ryan, you didn’t have to do that. I appreciate it more than I can say, and honestly, I’m kind of stunned, but you didn’t have to. That’s not why I called last night. Thanks. Thank you. Okay, I hope you’re having a good day, or morning, or whatever time it is there, and I’ll talk to you soon. Bye.”

I slip the phone into my pocket and then walk over to the new thermostat on the wall. It’s set to sixty-seven degrees, which feels cold. So, I up it to seventy and then call my brother.

“Yo,” he says into my ear.

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