Page 49 of Wildest Dreams

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“Jackie,” I call out as I walk into The Sugar Studio and feel my hips gain at least three pounds. “I’m a little early this morning.”

“No worries,” she calls out from the kitchen. “Give me two minutes. I’m just boxing up your order. These key lime cookies are to die for, if I do say so myself.”

At just the mention of the treats, my mouth starts to water.

“Are you coming to the gala on Saturday night?” I ask her as she carries the boxes to me.

“Of course,” she replies with a grin. “I’ll be in today or tomorrow to shop for a dress. I saw your post on social media that you got some things in.”

“I actually have something specific that I think you’ll love. No pressure, of course.” I pass her my credit card so I can pay my tab for the month and then wiggle my eyebrows. “Are you bringing your man?”

“This is so not his usual thing,” she says with a chuckle, “but I talked him into it. I had to promise him that he doesn’t have to wear a tie, but I am getting that man into a sport coat if it’s the last thing I do.”

“My money’s on you,” I say with a wink.

“Are you bringing Ryan?” she asks.

“He’s out of town.” I shrug a shoulder and try to shake off the disappointment that always wants to come when I think of it. “He’ll have to miss this one. Maybe next time.”

“Well, that’s a bummer. Next time for sure,” she agrees and passes me back my card.

Once I’ve signed the receipt, I lift the boxes and smile at Jackie.

“Thanks, friend. See you tomorrow morning for more cookies.”

“Have a successful day,” she says, waving me off as I push through the door and make my way down the block to my store.

It’s an overcast summer day, and I’m pretty sure we’ll have thunderstorms this afternoon, which usually brings shoppers inside, so I can’t complain about that.

“Good morning,” Jessica says as she unlocks the front door for me and steps back so I can walk through. “God, those smell good.”

“I know. Jackie is a genius with sugar.” I set the boxes on the buffet and start setting out the treats so customers can help themselves. “Did you get those new blouses hung?”

“Yes, ma’am, and the steamer’s heating up as we speak. Melissa should be in soon.”

“I wonder if I should call Katie in.” I prop my hands on my hips and check out my handiwork. “Grace is out of town, but it might be best to have four of us on hand today. I have a hunch that it’s going to get busy.”

“Probably not a bad idea,” Jessica replies as she folds some T-shirts.

With a decisive nod, I pull out my cell and call the teenager.

“’Lo?” she answers. I obviously woke her up. “Polly?”

“Hi, Katie, sorry for waking you up. I was wondering if you might be able to put in a few hours this afternoon. Maybe from noon to five?”

“Sure, I can do that. Thanks, Polly.”

“Thank you. I’ll see you this afternoon.”

I hang up, and Jessica grins. “That girl loves working here.”

“She loves the discount on the clothes,” I counter and laugh. “And I can’t blame her. I have some online orders that came in overnight, and they need to be filled today, too.”

“I can handle that,” Jessica offers. “I like filling those, and it doesn’t take me long.”

“Do you mind seeing to that first thing, before the rush starts?”

“You got it.” Jessica passes me the unfolded shirts and moves directly over to the computer to start printing invoices.

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